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CWA of Kansas Speaks Out Concerning the Selective Service Drafting Women

By August 26, 2016Kansas
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Sen. Moran Agrees to Sign Sen. Sasse’s Letter Requesting a Study

Early Monday morning at the Jefferson County Courthouse, Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kansas) held the 104th of his promised 105 Listening Tours.  I attended as your CWA of Kansas State Director and publicly requested that Sen. Moran sign the letter from Sen. Benjamin Sasse (R-Nebraska) to Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) that calls for approval of the House language which calls for a study of the draft and not the Senate language which would require women to register for the Selective Service.

The letter in part says, “As you know, the Senate-passed bill includes language that would, for the first time, require women to register for the Selective Service. We believe it is better to refrain from this expansion and to instead, task an independent commission to study the purpose and utility of the Selective Service System, specifically determining whether the current system is unneeded, if it is sufficient, or if it needs an expanded pool of potential draftees.”

The National Office of Concerned Women for America has been aggressive on this issue on Capitol Hill, so I thought it was important that I assist in any way I could while Moran was in the state.

The senator very graciously agreed to sign the letter as soon as he returns to Washington, D.C.  Some of the people attending the tour were curious about the letter, and I was able to explain it. Afterwards Sen. Moran’s staff interviewed me talking about how pleased we are that Sen. Moran would be signing the letter.  They said the video will be posted on Sen. Moran’s Facebook page in the near future.  If so I will be sure to link to it from the CWA of Kansas site.

Please pray for those who cannot understand why it is so important to families that women not have to register for the Selective Service.  Pray also for the signers as they are using a common sense approach to protect women while at the same time not hindering those who desire to be in the different branches of the Service.  They are simply asking for a study that was talked about, but never accomplished.

Please take action:

  1. Contact Sen. Jerry Moran and thank him.  Tell him that you heard about the letter through Concerned Women for America of Kansas.  You may contact him by phone or e-mail.
  2. Pass this information along to family and friends.  Encourage them to pray and take action.
  3. Please consider donating to CWA of Kansas by mailing a check and sending it to the address below.  Or, donate now by clicking on the “DONATE TO MY STATE” button on our website.

God bless you for all you do.

Barbara Saldivar
State Director
CWA of Kansas
P.O. Box 8331
Topeka, Kansas 66608