Senate Legislative Updates Senate Legislative Update for July 25, 2014 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD): On Tuesday, the Senate Foreign Relations…Alexandria PaolozziJuly 25, 2014
Senate Legislative Updates Senate Legislative Update for July 18, 2014 Anti-Religious Liberty Vote: This week, Senate Democrats tried to pass an anti-religious liberty bill that…Alexandria PaolozziJuly 18, 2014
News and EventsSenate Legislative Updates Senate Legislative Update for July 11, 2014 The Senate was in session this week after being out for Independence Day. With a…Alexandria PaolozziJuly 18, 2014
News and EventsSenate Legislative Updates Senate Legislative Update for July 4, 2014 This week the Senate was out of session for Independence Day recess.Rachel TaylorJuly 4, 2014
News and EventsSenate Legislative Updates Senate Update: June 13, 2014 Support for Israel: This week, Sens. Ben Cardin (D-Maryland) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) circulated a…Rachel TaylorJune 13, 2014
News and EventsSenate Legislative Updates Senate Update: June 6, 2014 Free Speech: S. J. Res. 19, a resolution that seeks to alter the First Amendment,…Rachel TaylorJune 6, 2014
News and EventsSenate Legislative Updates Senate Legislative Update for May 30, 2014 The Senate was out of session this week and will return on June 2.Alexandria PaolozziMay 30, 2014
News and EventsSenate Legislative Updates Senate Legislative Update for May 23, 2014 Human Rights Abuse: This week, Sens. Roy Blunt (R-Missouri) and Kelly Ayotte (R-New Hampshire) worked…Alexandria PaolozziMay 23, 2014
Senate Legislative Updates Senate Legislative Update for May 16, 2014 #BringBackOurGirls: This week the Subcommittee on African Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee held…Alexandria PaolozziMay 16, 2014
Senate Legislative Updates Senate Legislative Update for May 9, 2014 Tuesday, each female member of the Senate signed on to a letter to President Obama…Alexandria PaolozziMay 9, 2014
Senate Legislative Updates Senate Legislative Update for May 2, 2014 As a result of the “nuclear option” that Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) implemented last year,…Alexandria PaolozziMay 2, 2014