Calls Needed on Equal Rights Clarification Resolution!

By March 9, 2021North Dakota

Concerned Women for America of North Dakota stands in favor of SCR 4010, the Equal Rights Clarification Resolution, which clarifies that the proposed 1972 Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution of the United States was only valid through March 22, 1979, and should not be counted by lawmakers, or any other person, as a live ratification.

SCR 4010 passed the State Senate and will be heard this Thursday, March 11, in the House Government and Veterans Affairs Committee. We are told there will be a lot of opposition to this good clarification resolution from those who support removing any restrictions on abortion, including parental consent! The House Government and Veterans Affairs Committee members need to hear from you.

Take Action!

  1. Contact the 14 members of the House Government and Veterans Affairs Committee and ask them to support the resolution. The committee members are listed below my signature. You can simply write “Please vote, ‘Do Pass’ on SCR 4010” in the email subject line or use the message provided below my signature line.
  2. If you are a member of Concerned Women for America of North Dakota, please be sure to let them know.
  3. Forward this information to friends and family.

Concerned Women for America, Founder, and former Chairman of the Board of Directors, Beverly LaHaye, one of the most important pioneers of the conservative feminist movement, founded CWA in 1979 because she believed that women needed voices in the public sphere that represented their beliefs and values. It was the 1975 Equal Rights Amendment that gave Mrs. LaHaye motivation to begin the mission of CWA, as it remains today, protects and promotes Biblical values and Constitutional principles through prayer, education, and advocacy.

Thank God for the ways He chooses to use our lives and our voices for His glory, to protect and promote His ways. Thank God for Mrs. LaHaye and her obedience to lead others to promote Biblical values in our culture. Use your voice today and ask the committee to support the resolution.

“For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” – Esther 4:14

Linda Thorson
State Director

Sample email or phone message:
Dear Rep. ______,

Please give the Equal Rights Clarification Resolution, SCR 4010, a “Do Pass” recommendation. The deadline for ratification expired long ago. The ERA is a poorly worded resolution and could be used to mandate Medicaid funding for abortions and end conscience clauses for nurses, doctors, and hospitals who do not want to participate in performing abortions.

Your Name, Town

Contact the members of the Government and Veteran’s Affairs Committee:
• Chairman, Rep. Jim Kasper (Republican – District 46) or Cellphone 701-799-9000
• Vice-Chairman, Rep. Ben Koppelman (Republican – District 16) or Cellphone 701-491-0665
• Rep. Pamela Anderson (Democrat – District 41) or Cellphone
• 701-306-3362
• Rep. Jeff Hoverson (Republican – District 3) or Cellphone: 701-340-8237
• Rep. Karen Karls (Republican – District 35) or call 701-258-6836
• Rep. Scott Louser (Republican – District 5) or Cellphone 701-833-8489
• Rep. Jeffery Magrum (Republican – District 28) or Cellphone 701-321-2224
• Rep. Mitch Ostlie (Republican – District 12) or Cellphone 701-320-8822
• Rep. Karen Rohr (Republican – District 31) or Cellphone 701-202-1956
• Rep. Austin Schauer (Republican – District 13) or Cellphone 701-730-4474
• Rep. Mary Schneider (Democrat – District 21) or Cellphone 701-306-0860
• Rep. Vicki Steiner (Republican – District 37) or Cellphone 701-290-1376
• Rep. Greg Stemen (Republican – District 27) or Cellphone 507-828-7836
• Rep. Steve Vetter (Republican – District 18) or Cellphone 612-770-8689