Texas Calls Needed to Protect Vulnerable Children America’s progressive culture is fueling the rise of gender modification in minors. The drive to…Ann HettingerMay 13, 2021
Maine May 18 is Pro-Life Tuesday in the State Legislature The Judiciary Committee of the Maine legislature will hear several life bills this coming Tuesday,…Penny MorrellMay 13, 2021
CEONews and EventsSupport for Israel Podcast: Praying Over the Nation of Israel The terrorist group Hamas has been targeting Israel with hundreds of rocket attacks over the…Jacklyn WashingtonMay 12, 2021
News and EventsPrayerSupport for Israel For America (Day 119) A Prayer for Israel Lord God, Yahweh, the Great I Am, When I look at…Mario Diaz, Esq.May 12, 2021
Louisiana Girls’ Sports Bill Moving – Calls Needed! SB156, a bill that would promote fairness in women’s sports, passed out of the Louisiana…Laura HuberMay 11, 2021
North Dakota Pro-life Protections Signed into Law! Last week, Gov. Doug Burgum (Republican) signed into law SB 2030 – a bill concerning…Linda ThorsonMay 11, 2021
CEODefense of FamilyNational SovereigntyNews and EventsSanctity of Life Penny Nance on Cyber-attacks, Critical Race Theory, and the Impact on American families Penny Nance, our President and CEO, joined America's Voice Live to discuss the news of the…Penny NanceMay 10, 2021
Texas Texas Leadership: Protect Female Athletics! Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Texas hand-delivered this letter to our Texas legislative leadership…Ann HettingerMay 10, 2021
Maine Protect our Constitutional Republic – Keep the Electoral College! L.D. 1384, a bill to adopt the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, will be heard…Penny MorrellMay 10, 2021
Virginia Bedford Observes National Day of Prayer By Barb Sherman “… if My people who are called by My name will humble…Janet RobeyMay 9, 2021
Colorado Two New Prayer/Action Chapters Starting in Colorado! (Do you, or someone you know, live in District 4 of Colorado? Either way, please…Tanya DittyMay 7, 2021
Defense of FamilyNews and Events A Love Story Only God Could Write Our Chief Financial Officer, Denise Cappuccio, joined "Joy with Danette Crawford" this week to share…Tanya DittyMay 6, 2021
Legislative UpdatesNews and EventsSanctity of Life Breaking: Biden SBA Approves $10 Million PPP Loan to New York Planned Parenthood Time-sensitive action item at the end of this article. Planned Parenthood of Greater New York…Doreen DennyMay 6, 2021
CEONews and EventsUncategorized A Special Message from Penny Nance Watch Penny's National Day of Prayer message.Penny NanceMay 5, 2021
CEOEducationNews and Events Nance on Newsmax: Activist Political Indoctrination of Our Kids Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America, joined Spicer & Co to discuss…Penny NanceMay 5, 2021
News and EventsYWA A Conversation with CWA’s VP of International Relations Join Young Women for America via Zoom for an interview and conversation with CWA’s newest…Annabelle RutledgeMay 5, 2021
Texas Texas Is in a Race to #SaveGirlsSports Do you have a female relative who plays sports in Texas, or do you have…Ann HettingerMay 4, 2021
South Carolina Urgent! Call Needed to Protect Girls’ Athletics Back in February, I wrote to you about HB 3477, a good bill that would…Madison RaineyMay 4, 2021
Maine Judiciary Committee Needs to Hear From You! Two important bills will be heard in the Judiciary Committee this Thursday, May 6, and…Penny MorrellMay 4, 2021
News and EventsYWA Christian Institutions Adopting Anti-God Rhetoric? By Rachel Culver, YWA Ambassador, Fresno Pacific University In August of 2020, I had just…Annabelle RutledgeMay 3, 2021