Sanctity of Life Guest Commentary!The Martyrdom of Terri Schiavo Florida's Judge Greer issued an order for legalized medical execution for the crime of being…CWALAC StaffMarch 31, 2010
Sanctity of Life Terri’s Ordeal and the Schindlers’ Example March 31st marks the anniversary of Terri Schindler Schiavo's excruciating death by dehydration - a…CWALAC StaffMarch 31, 2010
BlogDefense of Family Bondage Shows for the Party of Lincoln? When RNC officials seem to think it wise to spend a grandmother’s monthly donation on…CWALAC StaffMarch 30, 2010
Virginia Virginia Student Wins Susan B. Anthony Young Leader Award Leads Concerned Women for America Chapter at Liberty University CWA of Virginia puts out press release commending Amanda Hass.CWALAC StaffMarch 30, 2010
Press Releases So Much for Transparency Washington, D.C. - Over the weekend, President Obama bypassed the Senate confirmation process to appoint…CWALAC StaffMarch 30, 2010
IllinoisSanctity of Life CWA OF ILLINOIS APPLAUDS PARENTAL NOTICE RULING Judge Daniel A. Riley of the Cook County Circuit Court is commended in CWA of…CWALAC StaffMarch 29, 2010
GeorgiaSexual Exploitation On the Web: Pro & Con: Should prostitution be decriminalized for minors? CWA of Georgia Legislative Liaison Dale Austin speaks out on the decriminalization of prostitution legislation.CWALAC StaffMarch 29, 2010
GeorgiaSexual Exploitation Is Decriminalizing Prostitution the New Trend? Read about this alarming cultural issue.CWALAC StaffMarch 29, 2010
National Sovereignty Conservative Victory: Defeating Obama’s Radical Agenda Talk show host and author Sean Hannity tackles this issue in his latest book.CWALAC StaffMarch 29, 2010
Press Releases New Regs on ‘Gays’ in Military Will Undercut Morale Washington, D.C. - Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced new regulations yesterday on enforcing the law,…CWALAC StaffMarch 26, 2010
Press Releases Virginia Student Wins Susan B. Anthony Washington, D.C. Last night at a politically star-studded gala in Washington, D.C., Concerned Women for…CWALAC StaffMarch 26, 2010
BlogSanctity of Life Man Up! We’re Just Getting Started … Democrats all over Capitol Hill are whining that the American people are mad at them.…CWALAC StaffMarch 25, 2010
National Sovereignty SPLC Takes ‘Hate Group’ Definition Too Far The Southern Poverty Law Center's (SPLC)overstep and the wanton use of the term "hate."CWALAC StaffMarch 25, 2010
National Sovereignty Senators Brownback and Kyl Urge Administration Support for Internet Freedom Until last week, Senator Brownback was holding up the confirmations of several State Department appointees…CWALAC StaffMarch 25, 2010
Press Releases Women Do Not Feel Safe With Holder at the Helm Washington, D.C. - United States Attorney General (AG) Eric Holder's scheduled hearing before the Senate…CWALAC StaffMarch 25, 2010
LegalNational Sovereignty Holder Holding by a Thread It seems the mix of Holder's political views with his legal ideology, and even his…CWALAC StaffMarch 24, 2010
Texas Texas Summit on the Trafficking and Exploitation of Children Register now for this important event on April 15 in HoustonCWALAC StaffMarch 24, 2010
National SovereigntyPress Releases Senate Should Reject nomination of Goodwin Liu to Ninth Circuit Unlike other judicial nominees, there has been no announcement of bi-partisan support for this nomination…CWALAC StaffMarch 24, 2010
North Carolina Encourage-A-Legislator Campaign Encourage your legislators through prayer and postcards through the months of April, May, June &…CWALAC StaffMarch 24, 2010
North Dakota CWA of North Dakota Once Again Joins Congresswoman Michele Bachmann at a WinBackWashington Event This Weekend in Moorhead, Minnesota! – Saturday, March 27, 2010 Join with us as we take a stand!CWALAC StaffMarch 23, 2010