BlogDefense of FamilySexual Exploitation Young Adults Are NOT that into Recreational Sex Regnerus and Uecker conclude that women are poor “sexual economists” — that is, they think…CWALAC StaffFebruary 3, 2011
Sanctity of Life Virginia Prepares for 40 Days for Life Churches and pro-life organizations across the nation are preparing for 40 Days for Life, which…CWALAC StaffFebruary 3, 2011
LAC Hot Topics/Alerts Consider a CWA Internship This Summer To make preparations easier for our chosen participants, CWA has moved up its summer internship…CWALAC StaffFebruary 3, 2011
National Sovereignty Legislation Update as of February 1 CWA is continuing to encourage Republican senators to keep the ObamaCare repeal issue at the…CWALAC StaffFebruary 3, 2011
Kansas The Family Concerns One-page documents informing on some of the issues of the day. You can download these…CWALAC StaffFebruary 3, 2011
National Sovereignty Celebrating Ronald Reagan Join us in remembering one of our nation's great presidents. Click here.CWALAC StaffFebruary 3, 2011
LAC Hot Topics/Alerts Senate Votes on ObamaCare Repeal Despite the November 2010 tsunami which gave Republicans control of the House of Representatives, not…CWALAC StaffFebruary 2, 2011
Kansas 2011 Legislative Update CWA of Kansas tracks legislation affecting the family in the areas of: definition of the…CWALAC StaffFebruary 2, 2011
Sanctity of Life CWA Webcast: Stop Funding Abortion On January 24, CWA hosted a webcast to stop the funding of abortion. The video…CWALAC StaffFebruary 2, 2011
Iowa Legislative Republicans Unveil Rules & Regulations Initiative and Statewide Listening Tour Check out what the new Republican leadership is up to in Iowa!CWALAC StaffFebruary 1, 2011
Maine Penny Morrell, CWA of Maine-South Area Director, Lobbies for Life in Washington, D.C. Find out how Penny is making a difference and how you can too!CWALAC StaffFebruary 1, 2011
Press Releases CWA Applauds Court’s Striking Down ObamaCare Washington, D.C. A federal court has struck down the linchpin to ObamaCare, the mandate requiring…CWALAC StaffJanuary 31, 2011
Maine Penny Morrell, CWA of Maine-South Area Director, Lobbies for Life in Washington, D.C. Find out how Penny is making a difference and how you can too!CWALAC StaffJanuary 29, 2011
New Hampshire CWA of New Hampshire Launches Campaign to Defend Marriage in New Hampshire Your prayers and action are needed today!CWALAC StaffJanuary 29, 2011
Blog Presidential Historian: Obama Plagiarized in SOTU Presidential historian Alvin Felzenberg recognized numerous instances in President Obama's speech of “recycled ideas” and…CWALAC StaffJanuary 28, 2011
LouisianaSanctity of Life Louisiana’s First Right to Life March – Huge Success! Over 3,000 people gathered in Baton Rouge on January 22 for the first-ever Louisiana Life…CWALAC StaffJanuary 28, 2011
Defense of FamilyPress Releases CWA Defends the Defense of Marriage Act Washington, D.C. - Concerned Women for America (CWA) filed an amicus brief in support of…CWALAC StaffJanuary 28, 2011
Legislative Updates Legislation Update as of January 25 CWA members and state leaders saw the profound change in the environment on Capitol Hill…CWALAC StaffJanuary 27, 2011
Washington 1-27-11 E-ALERT: SEASONING What do you think of when you think of "seasoning"? Christmas? Barbeque? Or Christians? .....CWALAC StaffJanuary 27, 2011