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Say “I do” to Traditional Marriage

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Why do we need an amendment to the State Constitution of North Carolina?

Marriage is under attack nationwide.

Five states (Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, Iowa and New Hampshire) plus the District of Columbia have redefined marriage to include same-sex couples. In each of these states and D.C., the redefinition has only been achieved through the courts or by legislative action, – never by a vote of the people.

Same-sex marriage can come to North Carolina.

Currently North Carolina’s law defines marriage as only between a man and a woman, and is further protected through DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act). However, as in other states activist judges and politicians can redefine marriage to include same-sex couples (and possibly other arrangements) through the courts or by legislation.

North Carolina is the only southern state without a Marriage Protection Amendment.

Nationwide thirty states, including every other southern state except North Carolina, have responded by protecting the definition of marriage through state constitutional amendments. In every state, the measure has been approved by a majority of voters, with an average passage rate of 67.3 percent.

The General Assembly must act now.

This is the eighth year that legislation to place the Marriage Protection Amendment (MPA) on the ballot has been introduced in the North Carolina General Assembly. In previous sessions, similar bills have been blocked from consideration. With new leadership in both the House and Senate we have an opportunity to change that. Getting the General Assembly to pass a bill placing the MPA on the ballot is the only way to get a constitutional amendment before the people.

Act now; protect marriage in North Carolina!

Encourage members of your church family, family, friends, and community to get involved in the MPA campaign. Most importantly, contact your legislators and urge them to support and vote for the bill that would allow the people of our state to vote on the Marriage Protection Amendment.

For information and action:

Concerned Women for America of North Carolina,
North Carolina Family Policy Council,

Pray for the Lord’s blessings on this project.