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Planned Parenthood’s Numbers

By April 12, 2011Sanctity of Life

$363 million received in government funding
$1.1 billion annual budget (up 6% from 2008)
$64.4 million – profit (“Excess revenue over expenses”)

$384,762 – Salary of Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA)
$245,814 salary plus $23,696 in estimated compensation – Maryana Iskander, Chief Operating Officer of PPFA
$4220,427 salary plus $24,076 in estimated compensation – Kim Meredith, Vice President of Development
$203,843 plus $10,729 in related organizations and $15,288 in estimated compensation – Ellen Golombek, National Political and Field Director
$248,251 plus $15,600 in estimated compensation – Vanessa Cullins, VP of Medical Affairs

332,278 abortions in 2009
37% of revenues come from abortion

7.021, down 60% in last five years – clients provided pre-natal care
977, down 80 % in two years – clients who received adoption referrals

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