Legal Day 3 Recap, Part I: Court Struggles with Weight of Massive 2,700-Page Law All sides faced some tough questions today, and it felt as though the Justices where…CWALAC StaffMarch 28, 2012
Legal Health Care at the Supreme Court- Preview, Day III Whole cloth or Piecemeal?CWALAC StaffMarch 28, 2012
North Dakota REVISED 1/16/2013: Candidate Surveys for Superintendent of Public Instruction Are In! CWA of North Dakota provided its members with candidate answers to key education questions before…CWALAC StaffMarch 28, 2012
Legal Day 2 Recap, Part II: The States Shine "The mandate represents an unprecedented effort by Congress to compel individuals to enter commerce in…CWALAC StaffMarch 27, 2012
Legal Day 2 Recap, Part I: Government Crash Day two is over, but you can still smell the smoke from all the fireworks…CWALAC StaffMarch 27, 2012
Louisiana The 2012 Encourage-A-Legislator Program Has Begun! Looks like it is going to be another great year!CWALAC StaffMarch 27, 2012
Legal Health Care at the Supreme Court- Preview, Day II Getting to the Heart of the MatterCWALAC StaffMarch 27, 2012
Maine PRESS RELEASE: Concerned Women for America of Maine Participates in Freedom Rally – Stand Up for Religious Freedom This is an event you don't want to miss!CWALAC StaffMarch 27, 2012
BlogSanctity of Life True Justice for Trayvon This situation stirs up so many conflicting emotions within me, most of them stemming from…CWALAC StaffMarch 26, 2012
Legal Day 1 Recap: Skepticism Abounds The sense at oral arguments in the United States Supreme Court today was that the…CWALAC StaffMarch 26, 2012
Oklahoma CWA of Oklahoma Leads Local Religious Freedom Rally in Tulsa Thanks to the work of Prayer/Action Chapter Leader Linda Harrison, Tulsa had a wonderful rally…CWALAC StaffMarch 26, 2012
National SovereigntyPress Releases Health Care at the Supreme Court-A woman’s Perspective Statement from CWA President and CEO on the commencement of oral arguments on health care…CWALAC StaffMarch 26, 2012
Florida CWA of Florida Attends Religious Freedom Rally in Pensacola Outstanding time was had by all as we stood up for our rights.CWALAC StaffMarch 26, 2012
Texas CWA of South Texas Attends Religious Freedom Rally in Houston Outstanding time was had by all as we stood up for our rights.CWALAC StaffMarch 26, 2012
Legal Health Care at the Supreme Court: Day 1 Preview To hear or not to hear, that is the questionCWALAC StaffMarch 26, 2012
Legal CWA’s Guide to Health Care Oral Arguments at the Supreme Court Everyone is talking about it. Oral arguments on the Affordable Care Act, popularly known as…CWALAC StaffMarch 26, 2012
BlogDefense of Family Starbucks Disrespects Values Voters I will not pretend . I love my venti, non-fat, sugar-free, vanilla soy, double shot,…CWALAC StaffMarch 23, 2012
Sanctity of Life A Date Night Suggestion for Men C'mon guys. It's just a little chick flick. What could it hurt?CWALAC StaffMarch 23, 2012