BlogDefense of Family Dear Tebow… Editor’s Note: A version of this article was posted by the Christian Post. Click here…CWALAC StaffFebruary 25, 2013
EducationGeorgia SB 167 hearing This is our chance! This is our moment! This is our time to act!CWALAC StaffFebruary 23, 2013
Iowa Powerful, Unifying Pro-Life Message – Must View! Iowa State Senator Ken Rozenboom (R-40) speaks from his heart on the Senate floor -…CWALAC StaffFebruary 22, 2013
Tennessee Prayer/Action Chapters They are the backbone of CWA. Check it out!CWALAC StaffFebruary 21, 2013
BlogSexual Exploitation Beyoncé: Classy or Trashy? Beyoncé is a trashy performer and contributes to the crudity and vulgarity that permeates today’s…CWALAC StaffFebruary 20, 2013
Ohio PRESS RELEASE: CWA Releases Letter to Ohio Attorney General Calling on Justice for Rape Victim in Steubenville Ohio Rape Case Nance: "That young girl could have been any one of our daughters, sisters, nieces, or…CWALAC StaffFebruary 20, 2013
Sanctity of Life Life, Liberty or a Culture of Death? Why My Generation Will Decide It's time to be honest folks; it's the "older generation" that's keeping American exceptionalism afloat…CWALAC StaffFebruary 20, 2013
Blog Calm in the Storm “And He saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then…CWALAC StaffFebruary 19, 2013
Sanctity of Life Casualty of Abortion Jody Duffy, a former U.S. Army officer, opens up about her traumatic rape and abortion…CWALAC StaffFebruary 19, 2013
Wisconsin Planned Parenthood Wisconsin Closes Four Clinics Due To State Funding Cuts CWA of Wisconsin is excited to recommend this article from Huff Post Politics at StaffFebruary 19, 2013
Sanctity of Life Adoption’s Outcome: Pro-Life Advocates The product of a rape, Ryan Scott Bomberger, founder of the Radiance Foundation, understands firsthand…CWALAC StaffFebruary 19, 2013
Iowa CWA of Iowa Co-Sponsors – Celebrate Life with the Republican Party of Iowa and Special Guest Gov. Mike Huckabee Saturday, February 23CWALAC StaffFebruary 18, 2013
North Carolina Charlotte Abortion Clinic Cited for Filthy Conditions, Other Violations Suggested reading from StaffFebruary 18, 2013
North Carolina North Carolina Abortion Clinic Shuts Down: Baby Saved Suggested reading from Greensboro Clinic closed!CWALAC StaffFebruary 18, 2013
North Dakota CWA of North Dakota Suggests a Public Apology is in Order Strong objection is made to the recent "vigil" outside the private residence of a state…CWALAC StaffFebruary 18, 2013
EducationGeorgia Open Letter to Gov. Nathan Deal Urge Gov. Deal to get Georgia out of the Common Core!CWALAC StaffFebruary 17, 2013
EducationGeorgia Open Letter to Georgia Parents Something's Awry in Georgia ClassroomsCWALAC StaffFebruary 17, 2013
EducationGeorgia Bill introduced to withdrawal Georgia from the Common Core (National) Standards Great news for Georgia parents, students, teachers and taxpayers! Read why.CWALAC StaffFebruary 17, 2013
North Dakota Calm in the Storm Many are encouraged by Dr. Ben Carson's speech at the National Prayer Breakfast last week.…CWALAC StaffFebruary 16, 2013