Legal What Happened? The Third Debate Happened Americans wanted someone to fight for them and demand answers. But Romney let the president…CWALAC StaffNovember 7, 2012
BlogSanctity of Life Future Impact of Today’s Vote “I wasn't just voting for myself; I was voting on behalf of those young woman…CWALAC StaffNovember 6, 2012
Blog Question: Did I Sacrifice My Family for My Country? After many months of organizing phone banking, door knocking, voter registration tables and more, our…CWALAC StaffNovember 6, 2012
BlogDefense of Family Moral Relativism in 2012 Politics The political scene is getting more contentious every day. My question is this: How can…CWALAC StaffNovember 6, 2012
Blog A look back at 2012 Campaign Memes As we await the outcome of the 2012 election, let’s take a walk down memory…CWALAC StaffNovember 6, 2012
Blog Truth and the 2012 Presidential Election “Today not only in philosophy but in politics, government, and individual morality, our generation sees…CWALAC StaffNovember 6, 2012
Legislately Legislately!: Maryland State Senator Nancy Jacobs State Senator Nancy Jacobs, former CWA of Maryland State Director and current Republican nominee for…CWALAC StaffNovember 6, 2012
LAC Hot Topics/Alerts The Long Ride The shore is in sight, and there is nothing more exhilarating than catching that perfect…CWALAC StaffNovember 6, 2012
Legislately Legislately!: Ted Cruz Calls Into Legislately Listen in as Ted Cruz shares how he plans to be a strong voice for…CWALAC StaffNovember 6, 2012
LAC Hot Topics/Alerts Mitt Romney is the Man for the Moment His career history indicates that he's never met a challenge he hasn't overcome. Now, he…CWALAC StaffNovember 6, 2012
LAC Hot Topics/Alerts State Ballot Measures Voters take notice. There are important state issues that need your attention.CWALAC StaffNovember 6, 2012
Blog Election Day 2012 Prayer It was the custom of General Dwight Eisenhower the night before he ordered troops into…CWALAC StaffNovember 6, 2012
National Sovereignty He Reigns! CWA of North Carolina State Director, Shari Miller, reminds us that we serve an awesome…CWALAC StaffNovember 6, 2012
Legislately Legislately!: Battle for Virginia Continues CWA of Virginia State Director, Janet Robey, says the battle for Virginia continues.CWALAC StaffNovember 6, 2012
National Sovereignty CWA of Minnesota Checks In CWA of Minnesota State Director, Gretchen Hoffman, tells us not to write off Michigan yet.CWALAC StaffNovember 6, 2012
National Sovereignty CWA of Montana’s Tonya Shellnut Reports in with Kenda Bartlett She Votes 2012 Field Director, Tonya Shellnut, checks in with Kenda Bartlett, CWA's Executive Director,…CWALAC StaffNovember 6, 2012
National Sovereignty Ted Cruz Calls Into CWALAC Studios Listen in as Ted Cruz shares how he plans to be a strong voice for…CWALAC StaffNovember 6, 2012
National Sovereignty State Ballot Measures Voters take notice. There are important state issues that need your attention.CWALAC StaffNovember 6, 2012
National Sovereignty CWA’s Election Central Launches at 6:00 PM ET! Live field interviews, podcasts, blogs, maps, social media, and moreCWALAC StaffNovember 6, 2012
Legal Breaking News: We Win! What shall we say then when we know that "He rules over the nations," (Psalm…CWALAC StaffNovember 6, 2012