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Breaking News: We Win!

By November 6, 2012Legal

As we get ready to find out once and for all who wins the presidential election tonight and who are the men and women at every level of our federal and state government who will serve in upcoming years, it is important for us to approach the results with the proper perspective.

I know the sense of urgency is great and the consequences of the direction we opt for are truly real and significant. But let us always remember from where our hope ultimately comes.

No matter what happens tonight, we win! Those who love God above all, that is. Because His purposes cannot be stifled! He is not seeking your vote. He does not need our approval; we need His.

Listen to the psalmist:

Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, But to Your name give glory, Because of Your mercy, Because of Your truth.

Why should the Gentiles say, “So where is their God?”

But our God is in heaven; He does whatever He pleases.

Psalms 115:1-3

There can be nothing better for those who put their trust in God. For we know who He is. That He loves us. That He cares for us individually and as a nation. What an amazing thought, that the God of the universe is interested in our wellbeing. Not only does He love us but He is love. And we find peace only in Him.

What shall we say then when we know that “He rules over the nations,” (Psalm 22:28) but hallelujah and amen? What comfort!

So though we are fully engaged in tonight’s elections, even understanding this important moment in history and the consequences of tonight’s results, we do not despair nor do we rejoice to the point of denying or deceiving ourselves. Instead, we give glory to God for His work in us and through us this election season, and we continue the hard work to which He has called us, moving forward from this point.

Keeping the right perspective reminds us we are victorious no matter what the outcome tonight.

Indeed there are many issues at stake tonight. From religious freedom to the economy to the sanctity of life and marriage to health care to the national debt. Yet we know that all of these will require our engagement and commitment beyond tonight.

Let us be ready, whatever happens.

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28