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Moral Relativism in 2012 Politics

By November 6, 2012Blog, Defense of Family
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The political scene is getting more contentious every day. Some analysts claim that voters are just now starting to tune in and those that remain “undecided” will sway the election this year. My question is this: How can anyone be undecided with the stark choices we have before us?

Obviously, for many voters, the options are not stark; they have bought into the concept of “moral relativism.” Moral relativism is a phrase used to describe a way of looking at “right” and “wrong” without labeling anything as either “right” or “wrong.” Moral relativists look at situations and declare that right or wrong depends of what a particular person believes is right and wrong. In other words, when it comes to morals or morality, everything is relative.

Ironically, there are plenty of examples of moral relativism contradicting itself. Liberals love to say they’re the tolerant, benevolent ones –– except when someone doesn’t believe as they do.  If someone has a conflicting perspective on an issue, that view is discounted, and the person stating that viewpoint is personally attacked at being an ignorant bigot or worse. In other words, “tolerance” is quickly jettisoned when opinions stray from the liberal mindset. Leftists throw out the words, “racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe” at anyone expressing views contrary to theirs.

Intolerance is especially rampant whenever a believer expresses traditional Judeo-Christian viewpoints. That’s when the really vile name-calling begins. The left is unwilling to listen or allow a Christian to present their side of any argument; instead, the believer is shouted down, often by accusing the Christian of crossing the line between religion and politics (as though that is the worst thing anyone can do!)

Moral relativists tend to take the opposite stance on any issue that has a “traditional” or Christian side. If you want to know where a moral relativist stands, look to the past and what influenced our Founders and then go the opposite direction. Believe in God? Then you are automatically a judgmental bigot. Is America exceptional? No, every country believes it’s special. Support our troops? Perhaps in theory, but we won’t give them weapons to fight; we will accuse them of “terrorizing women and children.”

Billy Graham and John MacArthur are two Bible-believing Christians who have entered the political realm.

  • Billy Graham has launched a campaign in newspapers where he states, “The legacy we leave behind for our children, grandchildren and this great nation is crucial. As I approach my 94th birthday, I realize this election could be my last. I believe it is vitally important that we cast our ballots for candidates who base their decisions on biblical principles and support the nation of Israel. I urge you to vote for those who protect the sanctity of life and support the biblical definition of marriage between a man and a woman. Vote for biblical values this November 6, and pray with me that America will remain one nation under God.”
  • John MacArthur said in a recent sermon, This is not about politics, although there are things we could talk about: You’re not voting for a pastor, you’re not voting for a spiritual leader, you’re voting for someone who has some sense of morality. Since the Bible says that the role of government is to punish evil doers and protect the good, you better have somebody in power who understands what is good and what is evil. And if you think homosexuality, abortion, sexual freedom, hating God are not evil, then you better go back and check your Bible again. How can people with that kind of agenda protect those who do good and punish those who do evil? That’s Romans 13’s definition of the role of government. We could talk about foreign policies, should we protect as many defenseless people from evil aggressors as possible? We could talk about economics, Is it right to get into irreparable debt? Is that responsibility? We could talk about that…”

If we as Christians do not speak truth in love, who will? We can speak up and tell the truth, or we can allow moral relativism to permeate the country. The 2012 election is a good time to face down moral relativism and its influence on American culture.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Our guest blogger today is Breanna Haupt, a graduate of Youngstown University.  Breanna is a Ronald Reagan Memorial Intern at Concerned Women for America’s Beverly LaHaye Institute.