Defense of Family The Homegoing of David Wilkerson Concerned Women for America (CWA) joins with Christians everywhere in mourning the death of Pastor…CWALAC StaffApril 28, 2011
Washington Women Freed From ‘Inhuman’ Baby Ring Please read this article to help decide for your self about surrogacy and its exploitation…CWALAC StaffApril 28, 2011
Washington Is Surrogate Motherhood Moral? Please read this article to help decide for your self about surrogacy and its exploitation…CWALAC StaffApril 28, 2011
LAC Hot Topics/Alerts Close the loopholes. End all taxpayer funding of abortion! When Congress comes back next week, it will vote on The No Taxpayer Funding for…CWALAC StaffApril 27, 2011
Sanctity of Life Spreading the Pro-Life Message Internationally Abortion impacts every nation. But few countries have people equipped to spread the message of…CWALAC StaffApril 27, 2011
LegalNational Sovereignty Shame for King & Spalding; Praise for Paul Clement After committing to represent the House of Representatives in support of the Defense of Marriage…CWALAC StaffApril 26, 2011
LegalSexual Exploitation A Pro-Family Move by the Obama Administration – Finally! The administration is asking the Supreme Court to review Fox v. FCC case, involving so-called…CWALAC StaffApril 25, 2011
Sanctity of Life Shutting the Door on Blago’s Morning-After Pill Tyranny Fast-forward to April 2011. Blagojevich has been impeached and now so has his morning-after pill…CWALAC StaffApril 25, 2011
LAC Hot Topics/Alerts The battle is far from over! Our legislation department sent the following update to our leaders last night. The battle is…CWALAC StaffApril 24, 2011
Religious Liberty Resisting the Green Dragon Friday, while the Christian world observes the crucifixion of Christ, the non-Christian world will be…CWALAC StaffApril 21, 2011
Religious Liberty He is Risen! He is risen, indeed! Come learn about the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ! Read more!CWALAC StaffApril 21, 2011
Blog White House “Out of Its Depth” The president should be worried; he should be very worried. Experts agree that the public’s…CWALAC StaffApril 20, 2011
Defense of Family Does Obama Think Homosexuals are Unpatriotic? Patriotic Americans want to give back to their country in taxes, right Mr. President?CWALAC StaffApril 20, 2011
Florida CWALAC of Florida Pro-Life Legislative Alert Find out what the top five pro-life bills are in Florida that CWALAC of Florida…CWALAC StaffApril 20, 2011
LAC Hot Topics/Alerts Statement of Penny Nance, CEO of Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee, Regarding the Planned Parenthood Vote To vote to fund Planned Parenthood with taxpayer dollars is not only wrong, it is…CWALAC StaffApril 14, 2011
Press ReleasesSanctity of Life Statement of Penny Nance, CEO of Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee, Regarding the Planned Parenthood Vote "Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee's half a million members around the nation are…CWALAC StaffApril 14, 2011
Washington 4-14-11 CWA E-Alert: Perserverance Do you ever feel as if you're drowning in the culture surrounding us?CWALAC StaffApril 14, 2011
Sanctity of Life Why a Vote on Planned Parenthood is Important Rumor has it that 41 senators signed a letter stating they would not allow a…CWALAC StaffApril 14, 2011
Sanctity of Life Penny Nance on Fox News! Penny tells Fox News why Planned Parenthood and NPR should be defunded.CWALAC StaffApril 14, 2011