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A Prayer for Israel

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On our knees, we cry out to You, Lord:
Save Your people and have mercy on Israel.
We pray Your will, for only You know what is best;
We only yearn for Your Name to be exalted in all the earth.

You are our Refuge and Strength,
You are our Rock and our Fortress,
You are our Deliverer and Shield
From all enemy attack.

How horrified we are to see women and children
Massacred, kidnapped, raped, and abused,
By those who hate the Jews
And have targeted them for extermination.

Let those who commit these terrorist acts,
Meet You, the Holy One of Israel.
Let them tremble at the sight of Your justice
Raining down from heaven on all unrighteousness.

The battle is Yours, Lord.
When the pangs of death surrounds us,
We do not lose hope.
We trust in You alone.

Let evil be overcome by good.
Let those who delight in suffering
Face the reality of their own machinations.
May their evil prayers for blood go unanswered.

We pray for the men and women
Fighting for good in the military,
Both here and in Israel.
Protect them, empower them, and give them wisdom.

Let only righteous anger serve them as guide.
Help them guard their own hearts
As they fight such evil
And experience unspeakable suffering.

Let them be victorious
Over these terrorist threats.
Like David, may they look to You
For direction in battle.

For Yours is the victory,
Yours the kingdom, and the power
And the glory,
Forever and ever,
