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You Need to Watch This Video

By January 26, 2018Georgia
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The fight to pass modest religious freedom legislation is alive and well in Georgia! Watch this video that explains why Georgia must pass SB 233, a state-level Religious Freedom Restoration Act. After watching the video, please take action, let others know about the video and pray.

Take Action
Contact Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle and Rules Chairman Sen. Jeff Mullis (R-District 53) and urge them to support SB 233 and to allow the bill to move with no amendments. Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Georgia.

Lt. Governor Casey Cagle
Complete the contact page and/or call his office at (404) 656-5030.

Rules Committee Chairman Sen. Jeff Mullis
E-mail him and/or call his office at (404) 656-0057

Please alert your friends and family to this video and action item.


For the past five years, people of faith in Georgia, for the most part, have been ignored and marginalized by top leadership – specifically Gov. Nathan Deal, Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle, and Speaker David Ralston (R-District 7).  Religious freedom bills have either been vetoed or have languished in committees where they eventually died.

Last year, Sen. Marty Harbin (R-District 16) filed SB 233, a state-level religious freedom bill that mirrors the 1993 Federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act that was signed into law by President Bill Clinton.  SB 233 provides religious liberty protections for people of all faiths living in Georgia. Unfortunately, Senate leadership hid behind Gov. Nathan Deal’s threat to veto the bill and refused to move the bill forward.

Concerned Women for America of Georgia, along with other faith-based groups, have been on the front lines at the State Capitol fighting for the passage of a religious freedom bill.  Supporting religious freedom is paramount because it is a fundamental right every Georgian enjoys and must not be infringed upon. That is why we are asking Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle to allow SB 233 to move out of the Rules Committee and on to the Senate floor for a vote.

Educate yourself on the need for a state Religious Freedom Restoration Action in Georgia. Click here for CWA resources.

Pray that Lt. Governor and Sen. Mullis will understand that religious freedom must be protected here in Georgia. Pray their hearts will be moved to allow SB 233 to be voted on the floor of the Senate.

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”  – Galatians 6:9

Once again, thank you for both your prayers and action.

Tanya Ditty
State Director