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Women Speak Out: Pro-Life Organizations to Rally Outside Senator Mark Kirk’s Chicago Office

By September 1, 2015Illinois
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Join CWA of Illinois and other Illinois pro-life leaders this coming Thursday, September 3, for a press conference outside of Sen. Mark Kirk’s Chicago office.

Earlier this month, Sen. Kirk voted AGAINST defunding Planned Parenthood despite undercover evidence of America’s largest abortion provider harvesting and haggling over the body parts of aborted children. Sen. Kirk needs to hear from Illinois pro-lifers right now. At the press conference, we will tell him:

  • We do NOT want our taxpayer dollars to fund abortion! Vote TO DEFUND Planned Parenthood this fall.
  • We want to see babies protected from painful late term abortions after five months. Senator Kirk must vote FOR the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act this fall.

Details for Thursday’s event:

WHAT: Women Speak Out: Demand that Senator Kirk SUPPORTS the sensible five-month abortion limit and votes to DEFUND Planned Parenthood this fall

WHERE: Outside Senator Kirk’s Chicago Office at Federal Plaza – 230 S Dearborn St., Chicago, IL 60604

WHEN: Thursday, September 3, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

WHO:    Susan B. Anthony List
Concerned Women for America of Illinois
Illinois Family Institute
Illinois Right to Life
Pro-Life Action League
Pro-Life Future
Students for Life of America
Americans United for Life
Illinois Citizens for Life
Illinois Federation for the Right to Life

Our nation’s permissive abortion laws have allowed Planned Parenthood to go unchecked for too long. Thanks to the Center for Medical Progress and their videos, we now know with certainty that Planned Parenthood is wheeling and dealing in the body parts of aborted children.

Planned Parenthood MUST be defunded!

Sadly, the U.S. is ALSO far outside the international norm when it comes to late term abortions. We are one of only seven countries – including human rights violators like China and North Korea — to allow abortions after five months (20 weeks), more than halfway through pregnancy.

As Senator Kirk prepares to head back to Washington, D.C., after the August recess, he needs to hear from us – his pro-life constituents – now.

Thank you! I look forward to seeing you in Chicago this Thursday at noon outside of Sen. Kirk’s downtown office!


  • Pray for Americans to be aware of the atrocities that are being done to innocent babies in the sanctity of the womb.
  • Pray for the church to demand the defunding of Planned Parenthood and the passage of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.
  • Pray for the fear of the Lord to fall on Sen. Mark Kirk, awakening him to the reality of abortion.


  • Join with Pro-life organizations outside of Senator Kirk’s office this Thursday. Demand that he vote “YES” to defund Planned Parenthood AND help get the U.S. off the list of only seven nations lacking the compassion to protect babies – especially once they feel pain.
  • Contact Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Illinois) at Chicago Office: 312-886-3506; Washington D.C. Office: 202-224-2854 and e-mail him at
  • Demand that he vote to DEFUND Planned Parenthood and SUPPORT the passage of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act this fall.
  • Forward this CWA of Illinois Alert to everyone pro-Life acquaintance you know!


Be strong and courageous!  Don’t be afraid or discouraged … for there is a power far greater on our side!  We have the Lord our God to help us and fight our battles for us. (2 Chronicles 32:7-8)