Urgent Update on North Dakota’s Anti-Marriage Bill, SB 2043 — Senate Votes TODAY! (1/10/2017) 

By January 10, 2017North Dakota

Great news! Thank you, CWA friends, for responding to the e-alerts sent out last week!   The senators on the Judiciary Committee heard you and, as a result, the bill to amend North Dakota Century Code relating to the definition of marriage and the recognition of marital relationships came out of committee yesterday with the majority voting with us 4-2. We were heard!  

This bill now will be voted on by the Senate tomorrow, January 10.  

Take Action: It is very important that you contact lawmakers in the Senate this morning and voice your disapproval of Senate Bill 2043.  Every email and phone call is counted!   Call and/or email these state senators.  Tell them you uphold traditional marriage, and ask them to vote down, SB 2043.

hcanderson@nd.gov; karmstrong@nd.gov; bbekkedahl@nd.gov; bbowman@nd.gov; raburckhard@nd.gov; tomcampbell@nd.gov; jcasper@nd.gov; dclemens@nd.gov; dcook@nd.gov; kdavison@nd.gov; ddever@nd.gov; jdotzenrod@nd.gov; rerbele@nd.gov; jgrabinger@nd.gov; jheckaman@nd.gov; dhogue@nd.gov; rholmberg@nd.gov; jkannianen@nd.gov; rkilzer@nd.gov; jklein@nd.gov; kkrebsbach@nd.gov; ckreun@nd.gov; llaffen@nd.gov; olarsen@nd.gov; dklarson@nd.gov; galee@nd.gov; jlee@nd.gov; lluick@nd.gov; rmarcellais@nd.gov; tmathern@nd.gov; scottmeyer@nd.gov; jmyrdal@nd.gov; cnelson@nd.gov; eoban@nd.gov; doehlke@nd.gov; aosland@nd.gov; mpiepkorn@nd.gov; npoolman@nd.gov; lrobinson@nd.gov; jroers@nd.gov; drust@nd.gov; dgschaible@nd.gov; rsorvaag@nd.gov; jkunruh@nd.gov; svedaa@nd.gov; tmwanzek@nd.gov; rwardner@nd.gov

Example of the email message you may consider leaving:
Dear Honorable Anderson,
I support marriage between one man and one woman.  Please vote down SB 2043.
Thank you,
Jane Doe, Fortuna, ND

Pray that our state leaders do not change the laws in our state Century Code to redefine God’s plan for marriage. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them,” (Genesis 1:27).

Thank you for partnership in this issue.  Together we are making a difference!