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Urge House to Override Veto on Pronoun Bill

By March 30, 2023North Dakota
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Please take action on a parental rights bill and contact your representative today!  

Gov. Doug Burgum vetoed SB 2231, a bill that protects parental rights by preventing a school from establishing a school policy that prohibits school employees from telling a student’s parents their child’s “transgender status.”  You can read our press release on the veto here.

Here is the status of the bill:

  • On Thursday, March 30, the Senate voted to override the Governor’s veto! Watch the debate here.
  • Next week, perhaps as early as Monday, April 3, North Dakota House members will consider a vote to override the veto. We need a two-thirds majority. Please act! Although the bill passed the previously passed the House, it was short of the votes needed to overturn the governor’s veto.

You can read our efforts to pass the pronoun bill here and here.

Your Representative must hear from those who stand with us on prohibiting a public school from adopting a policy or practice regarding expressed gender.

ACT TODAY! Please email or call your State Representative through our Action Center HERE and urge them to vote to overturn Governor Burgum’s veto of SB  2231. It is a good bill that protects parental rights.

Forward this email to family and friends! Every email message and every phone call are counted! 

Please Pray: Pray for your Representatives by name, that God would give them the wisdom and understanding to accomplish His purposes.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Linda Thorson
State Director