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TODAY! Ask your Representative to sign the Discharge Petition for H.R. 426

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ACTION: Ask your Representative to sign the Discharge Petition for H.R. 426, the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act!

Fair competition and equality in women’s sports are under threat. Decades of progress following the 1972 passage of Title IX will soon be reversed as the NCAA and Biden Administration move to undermine the fair playing field for females—all to accommodate and prioritize males identifying as females in athletics.
H.R. 426 would prohibit federally funded athletic programs from permitting males to participate in female sports and specify that sex is based on biology. Courageous members in the U.S. House of Representatives have filed a discharge petition to force the bill out of committee and on to the House floor for a vote. A successful petition requires the signatures of 218 members, which is a majority of the House. This year marks the 50th Anniversary of Title IX. Congress must show young women and girls that its protections still hold true in 2022. H.R. 426 would bring much-needed hope and ensure that girls’ sports are for girls only.

Please email, call, or tweet your representative through our Action Center HERE and urge him or her to stand strong alongside our girls. This issue is nonpartisan. Our daughters and granddaughters deserve better.

To see if your representative has signed the petition, click HERE.