The Dark World of Abortion Part III: Don’t Think; Just Conceal | CONCERNED WOMEN FOR AMERICA"/> The Dark World of Abortion Part III: Don’t Think; Just Conceal | CONCERNED WOMEN FOR AMERICA"/>

One very revealing theme stands out above others on John H. Richardson’s pro-abortion look at the abortion industry: the abortionist’s major focus on the suppression of conscience. Most of the examples highlighted go to this one effort. It is somewhat ironic, given the left’s mantra of “choice” and “empowering women.” They know how to talk the talk. But when it comes down to reality, they are only for one particular choice. They are pro-“the abortion choice”.

Read the rest of this column at

This is Part III of our series on the Esquire article “The Abortion Ministry of Dr. Willie Parker.” Here are Part I: “More Oversight Needed” and Part II: “Special Treatment.”