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Texans: Calls Needed on Critical Race Theory

By August 2, 2021Texas
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Is it OK with you that Critical Race Theory is being taught to our children?

Legislation currently filed in the Texas House of Representatives and the Texas Senate addresses the issue of educating Texas school children about issues of race. These bills, SB 3 by Sen. Bryan Hughes (R-District 1), have passed out of the Texas Senate, and HB 178 Rep. Steve Toth (R-District 15) has yet to have a hearing before a House Committee. Concerned Women for America of Texas have been compared both bills. We support HB 178 and oppose SB 3.

You need to consider these points:

  1. All curricula in Texas are established by the State Board of Education, a single-member district board elected by the constituents of the respective districts.
  2. Those curricula are adopted in alignment with Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills metrics established by that board in conjunction with the reports by evaluating committees in each discipline every ten years.
  3. Curricula from different disciplines are designed to allow concepts from one discipline to input education in another discipline,e., social studies words are learned in the language arts studies; social studies concepts are integrated into math problems.
  4. The options offered within this curricula are adopted by local independent school district school boards and supplied to their school district classrooms.
  5. The issue of race is controlled by the United States Constitution (Fourteenth Amendment) and the Texas Constitution. This prohibits prejudice toward or against anyone on the basis of race, color, creed, or nationality.
  6. The issue of Critical Race Theory is being used to teach our students that those who have light skin are the oppressors and those who have dark skin are the oppressed, thereby tainting the next generation with racists prejudices.
  7. CWA of Texas believes that the Texas Legislature must guard our school children against divisive concepts that create anger and distrust between citizens of all ages.

CWA of Texas is supporting HB 178 and opposing SB 3 for these reasons:

  1. SB 3 provides no prohibition of teaching the concepts of Critical Race Theory; it simply allows Independent School Boards to make the determination for each school district.
  2. While SB 3 appears to address the major issues of Critical Race Theory, however, it attaches no penalty on school districts adopting it.
  3. HB 178 would establish the constitutionally appropriate curricula concept and require that the State Board of Education incorporate that concept into all Texas Public School curricula, Kindergarten through Grade 12.
  4. Because concepts flow from discipline to discipline, i.e., Social Studies to Language Arts or to Mathematics, we believe that the bill must address curricula in all disciplines. HB 178 will do this, and SB 3 will not.
  5. SB 3 allows Independent School District Boards to adopt resolutions that integrate this flawed theory into policies that impact hiring, procurement, and awarding of contracts.

Read more information on CTR here.

Take Action:

To halt this damaging theory in Texas:

  • Contact your State Senator and urge him or her to vote for HB 178. Contact your State Representative and urge him or her to oppose SB 3 and vote for HB 178. Also, ask your legislators how they intend to vote on the bill. If you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Texas, be sure to let them know.
  • Share this information with like-minded friends and family. Educate those around you who share our values about this threat and ask them to take action.

Please pray:

May God help us protect the citizens of our state and nation, particularly our children, from this incendiary, anti-American concept.

“Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, rebuke and expose them. It is shameful even
to talk about the things that ungodly people do in secret. But when the light shines on them, it becomes
clear how evil these things are. And where your light shines, it will expose their evil deeds.” Ephesians 5:11-14  NLT

Ann Hettinger
State Director