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Students Fight for Common Sense Policies in Loudoun County, Virginia

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By Tanya Ditty and Sarah Merly

Concerned Women for America (CWA) Vice President of Field Operations, Tanya Ditty, and Young Women for America (YWA) leaders from Patrick Henry College, Sarah Merly and Anika Bebb, traveled to Loudoun County, Virginia, this week to support a student walkout at Woodgrove High School and to stand with parents in protest against the Loudoun County School District’s refusal to follow Gov. Glenn Younkin’s policies on Ensuring Privacy, Dignity, and Respect for all Students and Parents in Virginia’s Public Schools. The school district continues to enforce its 8040 policy at the expense of student dignity, safety, and privacy.

This year, a female who identifies as a boy joined the freshman football team and began using their locker room. When the male football players expressed reservations about having to share the locker room and undress with the female student present, the school administration told the boys they would have to change in another location if they wanted their privacy.

A parent of one of the football players spoke to ABC 7 News about his son’s experience. “Everybody in this world is created equally and deserves to be treated as such,” said the father. “As a baseline argument, we all know that. When it affects children in a negative impact—especially your own children—that’s where the game changes.”

You can watch the entire interview here.

School districts that force students to share private spaces, such as restrooms, locker rooms, and showers, and force students to call people by preferred pronouns are putting students under extreme pressure. Their days are never normal. That’s why over 100 Woodgrove High School students walked out of school and gathered in front of the school holding signs with sayings like “Why do I have no right to privacy at school?” “Restore girls only, boys only locker rooms, showers, and bathrooms!” and “Overturn policy 8040!”

Anika Bebb, Vice President of the YWA chapter at Patrick Henry College, had this to say about the event, “It was so good to pray with the parents. Lifting up the students and the school to the Lord was such a blessing to me. It was also amazing to see the energy that the students had! They had upbeat music playing and were joyfully, but not angrily, upholding truth.”

This is not the first controversy surrounding Loudoun County, Virginia. CWA’s COO and Legal Counsel Mario Diaz, wrote a series of articles exposing how progressive ideology had created an environment where serious sexual assault incidents were ignored and even covered up by high-ranking officials in the school district. You can read those reports here, here, and here.