Special Event: Update on the current status of North Dakota’s pro-life laws.

The new Executive Director of the North Dakota Catholic Conference, Dr. David Tamisiea of Bismarck, will be in Cavalier on Wednesday, May 22, at 7:00 p.m. to speak on the current status of North Dakota’s pro-life laws and about our opportunity for advocacy on behalf of unborn children and their families. Dr. Tamisiea’s newest article, The Battle for Pro-Life Advocacy in North Dakota, may be read here.

Here are the details:
: Wednesday, May 22
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: St. Brigid’s Catholic Church Hall, 201 West 1st Street, Cavalier, North Dakota.

Adults and students in grades 9-12 are welcome to attend.
The North Dakota Catholic Conference is dedicated to contributing to the church’s message to matters affecting human life, the poor, families, and the common good. They address a broad spectrum of issues, including respect and protection for all human life, health care, religious liberty, concerns and respect for the poor and powerless, children, education, family life, the economy, care for creation, and rural life. 

I hope you can join us. We would love to see you there!