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Update! Speak Up for Students Like Abby

By February 19, 2021Virginia

Good news! Because of the many comments submitted regarding the Model Policy for Treatment of Transgender Students, the Virginia Department of Education has delayed the policy’s February 4 enactment. Thank you to all who responded to our alerts.

Update on Abby*:  In the story below, we told you about Abby, a 4th-grade student in a Virginia public school who had a very upsetting experience in her classroom. We are pleased to report that Abby, who was on a waiting list to enroll in a Christian school, just learned this week that she would be able to continue her education at a local Christian school.  And because of her father’s engagement with the principal and school board of the public school where Abby attended, the book “Julian Is a Mermaid” by Jessica Love has been removed from that school’s library.

We commend Abby’s parents for standing strong. We must continue to voice our concerns to protect other children who have no options within the public education system.

Look for further updates, and thanks for praying and acting!

Abby* is a ten-year-old girl and in the 4th grade. She attends a Virginia public school.

Abby’s English teacher recently read the book to the class, “Julian Is A Mermaid” by Jessica Love. After the teacher finished reading the book, she asked the question, “what is the purpose of the book?” One boy raised his hand and said, “it is about a boy who wants to be a mermaid.” The teacher then asked Abby the same question (she had not raised her hand.) Abby replied that she would rather not answer the question. The teacher said, “You will speak.” Abby replied, “It is about a boy wanting to wear makeup and be a girl.” The teacher replied, “You are right. You can be anything you want to be.”

Abby was quite upset, and when she was picked up after school, it was the first thing she told her mother. Abby’s parents are now exploring private and homeschooling options. But what about students who do not have those options? Who will speak for them?

Earlier this month I encouraged you to participate in the comment period for Virginia’s proposed Model Policy for Treatment of Transgender Students (read more here). The model policy states its purpose is “to ensure a positive, safe environment for all students.” Do you think Abby’s experience was positive? I do not, and these types of classroom experiences will only increase with a radical, unscientific philosophy being forced upon students.

Now is the time to speak up for students like Abby. The public has an opportunity to weigh in on the model policies. The comment period closes next Wednesday, February 3, 2021. Click here to submit a comment. Let them know that you disapprove of this radical push to eliminate differences between females and males and the brainwashing of our children and grandchildren.

Jan Robey
Associate State Director

*Name was changed to protect Abby’s true identity.