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Soleimani Was the Tip of Iran’s Spear Against Americans

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President and CEO of CWA, Penny Nance, wrote the following piece addressing Iran and America’s long and complicated history and how some have upheld the promise to “never forget”:

About 19 years ago I was a part-time, work-from-home mom with a 10-month-old and a 4-year-old. I literally heard a “boom” when American Airlines flight 77 slammed into the side of the Pentagon three miles from my home, taking the lives of 184 innocents, as three more planes took the lives of many others in New York and Pennsylvania that day. Even more traumatic, my husband and I spent the evening comforting the pregnant wife of Navy CDR Patrick Dunn as she awaited news of her dead husband’s fate.

American citizens unified in our horror and outrage against evil men for their murderous actions but we also were furious with U.S. Intelligence for their failure to disrupt the plot. Last week our intelligence community proved that they took to heart our demand to “never forget.”

Unfortunately, many Democrats seem to have developed amnesia over the past week. Following the airstrike that killied Iranian commander Gen. Qassem Soleimani, Iran’s retaliatory airstrikes at U.S. bases in Iraq and even the downing of a passenger plane full of innocent people, some Democrats seem to think President Trump is wrong to use a strong hand against Iran.

Read more of the article on CBN News here.

Read more of the article on The Christian Post here.