Short Virginia Legislative Session Means Bills are Flying Right and Left

By February 5, 2015Virginia

We are over halfway through our 45-day legislative session for 2015. Please continue to pray for our legislators that they would pass bills that are common sense and God-honoring. We have included a few bills for your review and when you click on the bill you can see the status.

Marijuana Possession – A bill that CWA of Virginia opposed and lobbied against was SB 686. This bill could have decriminalized simple marijuana possession. We visited members of the Courts of Justice Committee, and they ended up passing by indefinitely, so that bill is killed for this session.

Home School – A victory was won for home schooled students as HB 1626 was passed in the House and has now been assigned to the Senate Education and Health Committee. Students receiving home instruction will be able to participate in interscholastic programs (Also known as the “Tebow” bill).

Common Core – CWA across the nation has been fighting against Common Core and with this knowledge and background CWA of Virginia successfully lobbied for SB 724. SB 724 keeps Common Core from being implemented without prior General Assembly approval. We are grateful for Sen. Richard Black (R-District 13) who saw the need for this legislation and introduced it in the Senate. It was passed by the Senate on January 30, 2015. The house version is HB 1752 and has passed out of House sub-committee on Education and, hopefully, will come before the full House soon.

Take Action: Thank Sen. Black for introducing SB 724. Contact your Delegate and encourage him/her to vote for HB 1752. If you don’t know who he/she is, simply click here and put in your address. It’s easy!

Sexual Behavior and Gender References – The number of bills introduced and then advanced by Equality Virginia (a statewide, non-partisan organization seeking equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Virginians) has increased this year because we have a pro-homosexual governor. They are inspired to up their game in Virginia, and they have. Over 20 bills have been introduced. SB 785 and SB 1211 are just two of those bills.

SB 785 would add sexual behavior to the state’s hiring policy of non-discrimination. This measure passed the Senate with our Lt. Governor breaking the tie. It will be referred to the House General Law Committee tomorrow. (Click here any time to view the status on this bill.)

SB 1211 would remove gender specific references from state law. Every instance that husband or wife is mentioned will be changed to spouse. Every instance when mother or father is mentioned will be changed to parent. SB 1211 will be referred to the House General Law Committee tomorrow. (Click here any time to view the status on this bill.)

Take Action: Contact the members of the House General Laws Committee and ask each one of them to vote NO on SB 785 and SB 1211. The House will need encouragement to prevent these from reaching the Governor’s desk. Contact your Delegate and encourage him/her to vote NO on SB 785 and SB 1211. If you don’t know who he/she is, simply click here and put in your address. It’s easy!

Abortion – Another bill we are following is Delegate Dave LaRock’s (R-District 33) Virginia Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, HB 2321. Virginia has a compelling interest in protecting the lives of unborn children from the stage at which substantial medical evidence indicates that they are capable of feeling pain.

Take Action: Read and take action on our February 3 action alert.

“Righteous are You, O Lord, and Your laws are right. The statutes You have laid down are righteous; they are fully trustworthy.” Psalm 119:137-138

Pray that our legislators will be tuned into what is righteous, trustworthy and Biblical.