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Sen. Grassley Needs Your Support on May 5 and 6 in Bedford, Mount Ayr and Leon

By April 28, 2016Iowa
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Greetings CWA members and friends,

Sen. Grassley’s office has contacted Concerned Women for America and asked if we might be able to help raise awareness and support Grassley’s protection of the Supreme Court nominee process.

They would love it if we were able to turn out folks to his upcoming town hall meetings in S/SW Iowa.  Apparently, liberal groups are working to have people pressure him into accepting Obama’s nominee rather than upholding the Constitution and keeping advice and consent in the Senate’s control.

It would be very helpful if we could have people attend his meetings and support Grassley, even if they said nothing.  Sheer numbers can be very encouraging for Grassley and intimidating for would-be troublemakers.  It is crucial that America not be turned over to a liberal, overreaching Supreme Court.

Please look at the list of upcoming meetings and try to attend.  If you know of someone in that area of the state who might be able to attend, please call them or e-mail them directly rather than simply forwarding this request.  I’m asking you to help DRIVE turnout.  If you are interested in carpooling from the DSM area, please let me know.

Thursday, May 5, Taylor County, 3:45-4:45 p.m., Taylor County Farm Bureau, Meeting Room, 607 Pollock Boulevard, Bedford

Friday, May 6, Ringgold County, 8:00-9:00 a.m., Ringgold County Courthouse, 109 West Madison Street, Mount Ayr

Friday, May 6, Decatur County, 10:00-11:00 a.m., Decatur County – Leon Community Center, 203 NE 2nd Street, Leon

SCOTUS belongs to “We the People,” not the President.  We need to thank Sen. Grassley for his willingness to stand against all of the pressure being thrown at him during his election year when some might falter.  We need to commend him for protecting us in this Constitutional process.    

Also, I have submitted a letter to the editor supporting Sen. Grassley.  If you or someone you know might be willing to pen, or sign an op-ed letter which we can help draft on this subject, please let me know.

Let’s stand with Grassley who is standing up for us.


Tamara Scott
State Director
CWA of Iowa

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