“Red Alert” – Rockets fly in Israel

An alarm goes off on a cell phone in the middle of the night; it was sent from an app, “Red Alert,” warning of incoming rocket fire. This is currently a reality for our friends in Israel where more than 200 rockets have recently rained down.

It’s just another way that Israel has engaged in protecting its citizens in light of increased attacks from the terrorist group Hamas. Now more than ever the United States must continue to stand with its ally.

Join Concerned Women for America (CWA) in downloading the app “Red Alert” to stay up-to-date on the attacks against Israel. As rockets fly, CWA will be praying for the safety of Israel and her people.

How America can send a strong message:

  • The United States’ elected officials and its citizens must voice strong support for Israel. No other country in the world tolerates daily violence against its citizens.
  • The United States should continue to provide Israel with the resources it needs to meet the growing violence threating its citizens.
  • As a result of Hamas’ continued violence, the United States must urge President Mahumoud Abbas to renounce the unity government the Palestinian Authority made with the terrorist group last month.

Red Alert

Picture of rocket attacks via the app “Red Alert”

For CWALAC’s CEO & President Penny Nance’s latest op-ed on Israel, click here.

Alexandria Paolozzi is Concerned Women for America’s Issue Specialist on Israel