PRESS RELEASE: Washington, Oregon, and Hawaii choose Planned Parenthood over care for women

Washington, D.C. — On July 31, the public comment period ended on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services new Protect Life Rule which requires physical and financial separation between abortion services and Title X dollars. Since then, 14 states have threatened to sue the federal government while the governors of Washington, Oregon, and Hawaii have decided that their states will pull out of the program entirely should this proposed rule be put into effect.

Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America, issued the following statement: 

“Concerned Women for America supporters and other pro-life women recently filed several thousand comments in support of President Trump’s common-sense reform prohibiting abortionist from receiving Title X funds. Our message is simple: abortion is not health care.

“The new HHS policy means that real healthcare providers will be able to compete for and win the $286 million available for contraceptives and other family planning services.  By the way, the statute is very clear that abortion is not family planning. This new rule only enforces the law already in place.
“The fact that the governors of Washington, Oregon, and Hawaii, are willing to take a pass on approximately $10 million and instead choose Planned Parenthood over care for poor women is shocking.  This is an unmasking of the radical ideology behind abortion and proof that healthcare for women was never the point.
“This is nothing more than a political stunt.  The good news is that HHS can by-pass state governments and award grants directly to healthcare providers. Now faith-based health clinics and other charities, who were squeezed out of the process due to the Obama era’s rules forcing them to refer for abortions, can step forward to care for the least of these.

“This is one more example of President Trump keeping his promise to support life.”

For an interview with Penny Nance contact Annabelle Rutledge at or 916-792-3973.