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Phony Liberal Outrage on Full Display

By February 16, 2018LBB, News and Events

Liberals are in disarray. They are only united in their hatred of Trump, but little else. And it is showing regularly in Congress these days.

Just a few days ago, after President Trump presented a consensus budget deal, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-California) broke into a tantrum on the House floor, staging a record-breaking, eight-hour speech to protest the deal. All the while in the Senate, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-New York) celebrated the bi-partisan agreement as “the best thing [they]’ve done” for the middle class and the economy.

Schumer tried to unite with Pelosi in calling for a “fair and open process” to debate immigration. But, lo and behold, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) seems to have called their bluff, because that is precisely what he gave them.  This week, they tried to debate immigration, in a fair and open process, to the objection of (wait for it) Sen. Schumer and his liberal colleagues.  You can’t make this stuff up.

Same chaos can be seen on judicial nominations where Democrats, who were the “avant-garde” party while former-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) shattered any scintilla of tradition and broke the rules to abolish the filibuster for President Obama nominees, now want to pretend to care for senate “tradition.” Democrats got the nominees they wanted, and Reid was praised as a hero by the same senators who are now up in arms about upholding the tradition of “blue slips” today.

This is a practice where both senators from the judicial nominee’s home state are sent a “blue slip” by which they can submit favorable or unfavorable opinions about the nominee. The judiciary committee would wait to receive the blue slip to proceed on a nominee.

But having abolished the filibuster for judicial nominees to advance their preferred judicial nominees under President Obama, Democrats were hoping Republicans would allow them to abuse the blue slip process to effectively filibuster President Trump’s nominees.

Enter Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who has rightfully refused to allow Democrats to abuse blue slips to get away with filibustering well-qualified nominees for partisan reasons. He is to be commended.


Sure, Democrats will make a stink about it, but as we have seen, they will make a stink about anything and everything because, well, Trump.

They’ll yell that they want to debate immigration, and when the debate starts, they’ll protest the debate of immigration. They’ll call for a bi-partisan budget deal and then filibuster the deal. All because, “Trump is horrible, and how can we allow this? And people will die, and the end is near.”

Chairman Grassley and Leader McConnell must be strong in ignoring the theatrics and proceed along with the business of bettering the lives of the American people.

The quality of judicial nominees we have seen from the White House is exemplary — second to none. These judges are desperately needed, and the American people will be the ultimate beneficiaries.

The mainstream media will no doubt work hard to promote the liberal narrative, but their credibility continues to suffer as a result. The American people can see through it all.