Pennsylvania March for Life is less than one month away!

By September 20, 2023Pennsylvania

Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Pennsylvania encourages you to join thousands at the 3rd Annual Pennsylvania March for Life in Harrisburg on October 16. Let’s take a stand for life again as we show Gov. Josh Shapiro (Democrat), his administration, and our legislators that we support women and their babies.

March for Life Schedule:

  • 10:00 a.m. – Pre-Rally Prayer and Praise with Robert Albino
  • 11:00 a.m. – Rally

Speakers include Dawn Fitzpatrick, new March for Life Executive Director; Michael Geer, President of Pennsylvania Family Institute; Bishop Senior, Diocese of Harrisburg; David Bereit, Founder of 40 Days for Life; Dr. Kendra Kolb, Pro-Life Advocate and Neonatologist.

  • Noon – March
  • 1:00 p.m. – Auxiliary Event, Silent No More Testimonies

Act Today!

  • Please join us on Monday, October 16, to show your support for the sanctity of life!
  • Make plans now to attend and be sure to invite a friend! Drop me an email if you can attend, and I will send a meet-up location as the event draws closer.
  • The Pennsylvania March for Life needs volunteers. Please sign up via this form to help make this another successful and organized event.

 Additional Information:

  • Tasteful homemade signs are great! If you would like to make your own sign and need ideas, check out the examples on the March for Life website.
  • Visit the March for Life website for FAQs and additional details, such as vehicle parking options.
  • To see if a bus is leaving from your area, please contact Tina Brumagen at

Pray:  Father, we ask that the hearts of those who oppose the life issue will be tendered. Use the presence of the Undefeated Courage Ultrasound Bus once again as a lifesaving measure at this event. Lord, help each of us to show Your love and care to those who have been affected by abortion. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

I look forward to seeing you October 16. We are stronger together!

From knees to feet,
Dilonna M. Coran
State Director