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One Phone Call Could Save Thousands!

By March 7, 2018Iowa
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Dear CWA members and friends of life,

THANK YOU for your calls this weekend urging State Representatives to vote YES on the Heartbeat Bill.   I also heard from several that their pastors mentioned it as well.

That’s you and the power of your voice at work.  Please, let’s continue to use our power TODAY.

House members are to caucus early this week to decide the fate of thousands of Iowans in the womb.

Please call the House switchboard at 515-281-3221 and ask for your Representative.  Whether you speak directly to them or leave a message, be bright, be brief, and above all, be a blessing!

The Heartbeat Bill is a heavy vote.  Compassionately explain this is exactly why they must vote YES.

No human should have the power to take innocent life for the sake of convenience, the excuse of choice, or even the manner of conception.

Kindly remind them, as Representatives, they are to protect Iowans, including those waiting to be born.

This bill does not prohibit abortion, but it does protect Iowans with a detectable heartbeat, usually 6-8 weeks.   We can no longer tolerate discrimination against Iowans due to their origin of conception, size, or age (including gestational).

Follow up with an email.  Feel free to get ideas from my letter to all the representatives that I emailed to them earlier today.

Action easy as 1, 2, 3:

  1. Click here to find your State Representative, if you are unsure who it is.
  2. Call 515-281-3221 and ask for your Representative, pleasantly urge to them protect Iowans and let leadership know they will vote YES on the Heartbeat bill.
  3. Follow up with an email to your Representative.

Pray for their clarity and courage.  This can seem a complicated issue.  The difficult emotional and physical trauma of sexual violence can cloud the issue of a child that’s been conceived in such an act.  Thankfully, those cases are rare, and even then, if an all-knowing God who can turn what others meant for harm into good, (Genesis 50:20) decides to bring life through the travesty of incest or the violence of rape, who are we to override our Creator as if He misunderstood?

Those babies are worth no less value and are called to a plan and purpose here on earth just like us (Jeremiah 29:11).

Thank you for speaking up for those others would deem disposable.  You are making a difference!

Together, we will protect a few until we can protect them all!

Tamara Scott
State Director
CWA of Iowa