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No to Religious Freedom and Yes to Gambling? Really?

By February 20, 2015Georgia
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Religious Freedom Update

On Thursday, February 19, the Senate Judiciary Committee heard SB 129, the “Georgia Religious Freedom Restoration Act”. SB 129 is a straight forward bill that should easily have passed out of committee. However, three Republicans, led by Sen. Bill Cowsert, locked arms with two Democrats and voted to table the bill. Sen. Cowsert attempted to offer a “poison pill” amendment, and when his amendment did not get considered he voted in lockstep with the Democrats to table the bill.

The vote to table the religious freedom bill was politics at its worst, and we cannot allow the three Republican senators to get away with attempting to railroad religious freedom protections for Georgians. SB 129 is expected to be heard again in committee, and CWA of Georgia calls on the three Republican senators to vote in favor of SB 129 WITHOUT AMENDMENTS.

Action: Please contact the following people in this order:

1. Lt. Governor Casey Cagle – urge the Lt. Governor to allow SB 129 to go forward WITHOUT AMENDMENTS. Phone: 404-656-5030 / Online Contact/Email Form

Contact the three Republican senators who voted against religious freedom protections, and urge them to vote in favor of SB 129 WITHOUT AMENDMENTS.
2.Sen. Bill Coswert (R-Athens) – E-mail: ; Phone: (404) 463-1366; Fax: (404) 657-9887

3. Sen. Jesse Stone (R-Waynesboro) – E-mail: ; Phone: (404) 463-1314; Fax: (404) 463-1381

4. Sen. John F. Kennedy (R-Macon) – E-mail:;  Phone: (404) 656-7454; Fax: (404) 651-5795

Is Gambling Heading to Georgia?

While religious freedom protections are being trampled, the Senate Regulated Industries and Utilities Committee will vote this Wednesday, February 25, on SR 135, a constitutional amendment to allow pari-mutuel wagering on horse racing. This bill needs to be stopped in its “tracks”.  Please contact the members of the committee and urge them not to expand gambling in Georgia and to vote NO on SR 135. It is not in the best interest of this state.  Click here for the committee list and phone numbers.

Open letter to Senate – SR135 Horse Racing

Pray that the hearts of the senators be softened toward righteousness and that they seek God’s wisdom and guidance on the issues that greatly impact Georgians.