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New “For Life” Bible Study

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No one enjoys being told they are wrong. But this is precisely what we most need when we are blind to the fact that we are indeed wrong about something. The first step to walking away from error is to recognize we stand in one.

This is precisely where many in our society find themselves on the issue of life. And as famous pastor, theologian, and mentor of the great Martyn Lloyd-Jones, G. Campbell Morgan eloquently said, “There is one sure and infallible guide to truth, and therefore one, and only one, corrective for error, and that is the Word of God.”

That is why I am excited to bring you our “For Life” Bible study. Please stay tuned to for ordering details.

This powerful, error-exposing resource will transform the lives of its student. How can it not? It exposes those who dare wrinkle its pages to the pure, unfiltered, heart-penetrating, two-edged sword of the Scriptures, only asking questions to help the reader reflect on the truths explored. I implore you to engage with it yourself, become familiar with it, and then take the time to disciple others with it.

As with any other two-edged sword worthy of that warning, “handle with care,” it is best if someone unfamiliar with such a powerful weapon is helped along by someone with some mastery of the material. I am praying God will move you to become such a helper.

Remember Philip’s encounter with the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts chapter 8? The eunuch was reading a passage from Isaiah by himself when Philip approached him and asked, “Do you understand what you are reading” (v.30)? To which he replied, “How can I, unless someone guides me” (v.31)? This study is undoubtedly powerful by itself. But when you teach it to someone else, a true miracle can happen. I pray that many of you will feel called by God to aid in this miraculous work. Would you help me pray for that?

I leave you with a short excerpt from Chapter 3, “In the Womb.”

Samson’s mother was also “childless, unable to give birth,” until an “angel of the Lord appeared to her and said, ’You are barren and childless, but you are going to become pregnant and give birth to a son.’” Judges 13:2-3. Scripture also tells us he was “dedicated to God from the womb.” Judges 13:5.

What does Samson being dedicated to God “from the womb” imply?


He was separated from the womb for a specific task. The angel said, “He will take the lead in delivering Israel from the hands of the Philistines.” Judges 13:5. What does that tell us?
