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Nance to American Girl: shame on you

Penny Nance statement on American Girl’s book pushing puberty blockers:

“Shame on American Girl for teaching girls as young as three years old to hate their bodies.  What happened to teaching girls that they are beautiful just the way they are?” asked Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America, the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization. “Advocating that young girls consider altering their bodies through puberty blockers or surgery exploits vulnerable and impressionable children. In the same way that it would be dangerous to tell a young, underweight girl struggling with an eating disorder to consider gastric bypass surgery, why are we encouraging a young girl struggling with her female identity to mutilate her body? There used to be a time when parents trusted corporations like a doll company to send positive messages to their daughters, but unfortunately those days are gone. Parents need to stop buying goods from woke corporations pushing this dangerous and manipulative agenda on their children.”