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Nance Responds to Kansas Anti-Abortion Amendment Defeat

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Penny Nance, Concerned Women for America’s CEO and President, had this to say concerning the defeat of the Kansas Value Them Both amendment:


“The disappointing results on the Kansas pro-life amendment will serve as a great motivator for the pro-life movement going forward. It reveals what we already knew: we have much work to do to promote a culture of love and life in every state. 

“The good news is that we are free to do that work with the Supreme Court out of the way unconstitutionally mandating what every state must do. We embrace the opportunity to do the hard work necessary to change hearts and minds— however long it takes. But, we must do better to counter the lies of abortion extremists and to be strategic in our education and outreach. 

“This is the democratic process at work. The battle to protect human life at all stages continues. We are confident in our position to achieve ultimate victory.”