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March 7 Prayer/Action Alert: Use Great Boldness of Speech

By March 7, 2018Washington
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Dear CWA of Washington Member,

“… since we have such hope we use great boldness of speech.” – 2 Corinthians 3:12

Please take this verse seriously as a CWA member and speak out to our elected representatives! As you know, I have focused on some pretty horrible bills this session. Please take action immediately concerning SB 5722, SB 6219 and HB 1523.


  • SB 5722, which prevents conversion therapy on minors, has been passed in both the house and senate. It is now on the Governor’s desk awaiting his signature or veto. Click here to read and track the bill.
  • SB 6219 which mandates that everyone buy abortion insurance has been passed in both the house and senate. It is now on the Governor’s desk awaiting his signature or veto. Click here to read and track this bill. (HB 1523 is a similar bill and also headed for a signature)
  • Unfortunately SB 6037, which legalizes the purchase and sale of babies, was signed by the governor yesterday, Tuesday, March 6.

Take Action: Please call Gov. Inslee’s office at (360) 902-4111 and request that he veto SB 5722, SB 6219 and HB 1523. Let him know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Washington. We must use great boldness of speech to win these important battles for the family and the sanctity of human life.

 More information on these bills:

  • SB 6219 Late last week, the Washington State House of Representatives approved SB 6219 which would mandate abortion coverage in insurance plans in our state. CWA strongly opposes this bill because it would promote abortions while violating constitutionally-protected conscience rights. The legislation is awaiting the Governor’s signature. SB 6219 not only promotes the destruction of human life but also violates the fundamental right to conscience guaranteed by both our state and national constitutions. The bill would forcibly compel many of this state’s citizens to act against their consciences.  If the governor signs this bill, there will likely be a legal challenge to it because of the lack of any conscience protection provisions.
  • SB 5722 Restricting the practice of conversion therapy has also passed both houses, but has not yet been delivered to the governor’s office for his signature. Nevertheless, if you want to preserve the traditional doctor-patient confidence and our ability to seek the treatment we need, please again ask for the governor to veto this awful bill.  It is a terribly one-sided bill, preventing licensed counselors from helping minors who want to change their sexual orientation or gender identity supposedly in an effort to prevent harm to involved individuals, but not preventing our schools from promoting those very same lifestyles.
  • SB 6037 Last Wednesday, February 28, around 1:00 a.m. the majority voted to legalize the purchase and sale of human babies with SB 6037, “The Uniform Parentage Act.” In this state, a woman has been able to volunteer to be a surrogate mother for couples who want a baby, but with the passage of SB 6037, this personal choice has been turned into a financial transaction. This bill sets virtually no limits on the sale or purchase of human babies, putting a woman’s womb up for rent and the child for sale.  All the amendments offered that would have put needed protections in the bill were rejected.  On Tuesday, March 6, Governor Inslee signed this horrific bill that shows total disrespect for a woman’s unique ability to produce children and for the baby thereby produced, putting a monetary and commercial emphasis on God’s beautiful plan for the family.

Please speak out now! Participate in our democratic Republic! The governor could sign these bills at any time.  Speak boldly and encourage others to do so as well. Pray, get educated, then take action—because we have such hope in our Savior Christ Jesus.


Maureen Richardson
State Director
CWA of Washington
P.O. Box 143
Woodinville, WA 98072