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March 23, 2015 Legislative Update from the Gold Dome

By March 23, 2015Georgia
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The 2015 legislative session is down to its final eight days, and Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Georgia is on the front lines at the State Capitol representing your interests. We are watching four bills very carefully.  Prayer, in addition to phone calls and e-mails are needed on the following pieces of legislation:

SB 129 – Georgia Religious Freedom Restoration Act
Urgent! Georgia’s religious freedom bill in jeopardy – we need you to attend the religious freedom bill hearing on Tuesday!

Position: Support
Status: The bill passed out of the Senate and has been assigned to a “special subcommittee” and will have a hearing only on Tuesday, March 24, at 2:00 p.m. in room 132 of the State Capitol.  By all appearances, it looks like Speaker David Ralston and House Judiciary Chairman Wendell Willard are trying to run out the clock on the bill.
Action: Calls are needed immediately to the following:

  • Speaker David Ralston – urge him to allow SB 129 to go to the House floor for a vote with no amendments.  Phone: 404-656-5020/E-mail:
  • Your state representative – urge them to ask Speaker Ralston to allow the bill to have a vote on the House floor with no amendments. Click here to locate your state representative.

Pray for passage of the legislation with no amendments.

SR 80 Advanced Placement U.S. History Resolution demanding revision by the College Board of Advanced Placement U.S. History (APUSH)

The College Board, led by David Coleman, the “architect” of Common Core rolled out the new APUSH Framework and Exam in August. The new APUSH Framework is an all-out assault on our country’s heritage.
Position: Support
Status: Passed out of the Senate and will be heard in a House education subcommittee on Tuesday, March 24 at 2:00 p.m.
Action: Contact the members of the House Education Committee and urge them to support SR 80.
Pray that the legislators will seek to protect the Godly heritage and traditions of America and will vote in support of this resolution.


HB 1 – Legalization of Medical Marijuana
: Oppose
Status: Passed out of the House and the Senate Health and Human Services Committee.  It is now in the Senate Rules Committee.
Action: Contact the members of the Senate Rules Committee and ask them not to allow HB 1 to move to the Senate for a vote.
Pray that the legislators will not base their vote on emotion but on sound policy, and that they will fully understand the impact of their vote on future generations of Georgians.


SB 116 – Celebrate Freedom Week
Position: Support
Status: Passed out of the Senate and will be heard in a House education subcommittee on Tuesday, March 24, at 2:00 p.m.
Action: Contact the members of the House Education Committee and urge them to support SR 80.