March 12 is “Detransition Awareness” Day

Last year, Detransition Awareness Day on March 12 (the second of its kind) was a breakout moment for a movement exposing the exponential trend of young people “identifying” as the opposite sex. Helena Kirschner was among the first in the U.S. to tell her story of being captured in the cult of gender identity deception and a medical industry all too eager to assist with destructive chemical and surgical treatments. Her courage led to others like Chloe Cole speaking out and directly challenging medical organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics promoting so-called “gender affirming care.” 

Over the past year, the “detrans” movement has been a breakthrough force propelling lawmakers across the U.S. to act on legislation banning the use of damaging puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and sex-change surgeries on minors struggling with identity. Already this year, four states – Utah, South Dakota, Mississippi, and Tennessee – have acted to protect minors from this destructive approach to a crisis in mental health, especially among teen girls, adding to previous actions in five others:  Arkansas, Alabama, Arizona, Florida, and Texas. Many other state legislatures are moving bills forward.    

Despite liberal media outlets suppressing their voices, the heart-wrenching stories of depressed teen girls caught in the social deception of gender ideology are forcing a reevaluation of practices and legislative initiatives at the state and federal levels. They are also emboldening whistleblowers like Jamie Reed, a queer transgender clinic case worker in Missouri, to come forward, prompting investigations of children’s hospital gender clinics.  

An article in The Economist reporting on the first legal action in the U.S. by a detransitioner – a lawsuit against medical provider Kaiser Permanente for medical negligence – captures the important moment we are experiencing. Teens harmed by a complicit, unethical medical establishment are the tip of the spear for turning the tide. A similar case involving Keira Bell was the pivotal moment in the United Kingdom that led to the closing of the Tavistock Clinic, the pioneering pediatric center promoting destructive “gender affirming care.” Even liberal media like The New York Times can no longer ignore the truth.

Join Concerned Women for America in recognizing Detransition Awareness Day on March 12, 2023, as an opportunity to educate others on the truth about gender ideology, how it is infecting the minds of youth, and how institutions are peddling this deception.