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Letter: Invest in alternative to Planned Parenthood

By June 14, 2017South Dakota
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Linda Schauer, state director, Concerned Women for America of South Dakota, Leola

Published 11:05 a.m. CT June 13, 2017 | Find at

Contrary to Wendy Kofoed-Jacobs’ comments (Argus Leader/May 18) regarding Planned Parenthood’s “services to millions of poor women,” those services are extremely limited.

Thankfully, women have alternatives to Planned Parenthood – the largest abortion provider in the country – for meeting their health care needs. South Dakota has 84 Federally Qualified Community Health Centers, which clearly outnumber the one Planned Parenthood located in Sioux Falls. By threatening that women won’t receive health care without them, Planned Parenthood is claiming that abortion is necessary for women’ health. However, pregnancy is not a disease and abortion is not health care.

Women’s health care is much broader than “reproductive issues.” FQHC’s provide comprehensive care for all women’s health care needs such as respiratory illness, diabetes, heart disease, prenatal care, etc. These FQHCs are the answer to affordable women’s health care providing services at discounted costs for poor women.

Although prohibited from using Medicaid reimbursements to fund abortions, Planned Parenthood’s annual half-billion of your tax dollars is fungible, thus sustaining Planned Parenthood’s culture of death. If the goal is providing comprehensive women’s health care to those in need, Planned Parenthood is not a wise investment of our tax dollars. Elected representatives committed to good stewardship can see that the smart investment is redirecting funds to FQHC’s.