Let’s Stop Funding Planned Parenthood Courses!

By March 29, 2021North Dakota

The Safe Spaces course, i.e., sex education course. for K-12 teachers, is being offered again through Distance and Continuing Education at North Dakota State University (NDSU). The instructor, Katie Christensen, is the State Director of External Affairs, Planned Parenthood, North Central States. Materials recommended for children in Safe Spaces include, It’s Perfectly Normal by Robbie Harris. The book for elementary-aged children contains graphic drawings of female and male anatomy and covers topics such as sexual intercourse, abortion, and homosexuality.

In February, the North Dakota Senate passed SB 2030, a higher education challenge matching grant program that provides North Dakota universities and colleges matching grant funds for student scholarships. The bill passed with an amendment, taken from the North Dakota Century Code that prohibits state entities from partnering with an abortion provider or promoter. Watch the Senate floor debate here.

The issue of the amendment is simple – either NDSU chooses to continue its partnership with Planned Parenthood or NDSU drops its affiliation with the largest abortion provider in America and receives state funds for their student grant program.

The North Dakota House Appropriations Committee for Education is bringing the bill, which includes the aforementioned amendment, to the House floor for a vote. Advocates for the Safe Space (Sex Education) course claim the amendment is an afront of academic freedom. The North Dakota House members need to hear from YOU!

Take Action
Contact your House member and ask him or her to support SB 2030 as amended. Use this link to find out who represents you in the House or send a message to all House members. A suggested message and email addresses for the House are located below my signature line.

Pray that our legislators will vote to keep the bill amendment that would prohibit courses to be taught by Planned Parenthood staff at NDSU. Pray they do not cave to pressure from the abortion industry. Pray the light of truth illuminates into the darkness of abortion and that our state leaders will be a voice for life!

“This is the message which we have heard from Him and declares to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.” 1 John 1:5-7.

Linda Thorson
State Director

Sample emails message:
Dear Representative ____________,
Please vote yes on SB 2030, the higher education challenge matching grant program bill that includes the amendment which forbids state entities from partnering with an abortion provider or promoter.

Your Name, Town

House Members:
mkadams@nd.gov; bertanderson@nd.gov; dickanderson@nd.gov; pkanderson@nd.gov; rcbecker@nd.gov; lbellew@nd.gov; mbeltz@nd.gov; tboe@nd.gov; gdbosch@nd.gov; jboschee@nd.gov; mbrandenburg@nd.gov; rbuffalo@nd.gov; colechristensen@nd.gov; clairecory@nd.gov; cdamschen@nd.gov; jdelzer@nd.gov; bdevlin@nd.gov; gdobervich@nd.gov; jddockter@nd.gov; sertelt@nd.gov; cfegley@nd.gov; jayfisher@nd.gov; rguggisberg@nd.gov;
lbhager@nd.gov; jhagert@nd.gov; krhanson@nd.gov; phatlestad@nd.gov;cheadland@nd.gov; pdheinert@nd.gov; jahoverson@nd.gov; mchowe@nd.gov; zmista@nd.gov; djohnson@nd.gov; marycjohnson@nd.gov; tbjones@nd.gov; tkading@nd.gov;kkarls@nd.gov; jkasper@nd.gov; gkeiser@nd.gov; kkempenich@nd.gov; dhkiefert@nd.gov; lklemin@nd.gov;bkoppelman@nd.gov; kkoppelman@nd.gov; gkreidt@nd.gov; mlefor@nd.gov; dlongmuir@nd.gov; sclouser@nd.gov; jmagrum@nd.gov; amarschall@nd.gov; bmartinson@nd.gov; lmeier@nd.gov; amitskog@nd.gov; crmock@nd.gov; dmonson@nd.gov; mrnathe@nd.gov; dnehring@nd.gov; jonelson@nd.gov; menelson@nd.gov; eobrien@nd.gov; mostlie@nd.gov; mowens@nd.gov; bpaulson@nd.gov; gpaur@nd.gov; cpollert@nd.gov; tkporter@nd.gov; bpyle@nd.gov; dwrichter@nd.gov; sroersjones@nd.gov; kmrohr@nd.gov; druby@nd.gov; mruby@nd.gov; masanford@nd.gov; blsatrom@nd.gov; mischatz@nd.gov; aschauer@nd.gov; jeschmidt@nd.gov; mschneider@nd.gov; rschobinger@nd.gov; cschreiberbeck@nd.gov; lsimons@nd.gov; kskroch@nd.gov; vsteiner@nd.gov; gstemen@nd.gov; mstrinden@nd.gov; paulthomas@nd.gov; nptoman@nd.gov; wtrottier@nd.gov; btveit@nd.gov; smvetter@nd.gov; dwvigesaa@nd.gov; rweisz@nd.gov; gwestlind@nd.gov; dzubke@nd.gov