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Learn to Lobby

By January 8, 2011Iowa

Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Iowa has become very valuable in equipping ordinary Iowans in the legislative process while educating citizens of the NEED to guard our freedoms and protect our families in this Representative Republic in which we live.


Our Liberties We Prize, Our Rights We Will Maintain

Unsure of the process? Understand that many legislators were also unsure until they were elected and learned just like you can. The Capitol is a large, majestic building and can easily intimidate most people. Even the simple task of finding a parking place can be frustrating. We will help you find your way around, learn the rules, and understand that you, the taxpayer, own the building and the elected officials are to serve and represent you. We’ll even give you parking tips.

Training sessions are available through CWA all year at the Capitol with tours available. These training sessions take approximately 60 minutes in addition to the tour. We’ve also held training sessions in churches, meeting halls, schools, and even living rooms. Whether it’s a small group of friends or an organized conference, we can help equip Iowans to be effective.

Register to join regular training sessions the first Thursday of the month or schedule a private training for a women’s group, men’s club, church group, book club, Bible study, co-workers, friends or organization.

Contact us for dates and details:

Concerned Women for America of Iowa
P.O. Box 616
Ankeny, IA 50012
(515) 963-0888

Helpful resources:

How to Lobby From Your Kitchen Table

How to Lobby From Your Laptop

535 Program