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Legislation Update as of January 7

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The 112th Congress came roaring into session this week, with newly elected congressmen coming to D.C. for swearing-in ceremonies, meet-and-greets in the House of Representatives, and repeated calls to end unbridled federal spending. Many of these congressmen are brand new to the Hill and are still hiring staff, getting settled into their new offices, and learning their way around Washington.The mood in the House of Representatives, to say the least, has been both festive and reflective. When Representative John Boehner (R-Ohio) was sworn in as Speaker of the House on January 5, he set a humble tone for the new session and pledged to uphold the principles that caused voters to sweep a Republican majority into the House.The next day, the freshly sworn-in House leadership kicked off the 112th Congress with a full reading of the U.S. Constitution on the House floor. Republican leaders pledged to get Congress back to the basics and reinstate the foundation that has made this country so great, namely limited government, individual freedom, and fiscal responsibility.Concerned Women for America (CWA) staff was on the Hill during the festivities, meeting with new congressional offices and encouraging them to maintain their campaign pledges to foster a conservative agenda in the House. They certainly have their work cut out for them considering how frustrated Americans are with out-of-control government spending, fewer jobs, and economic struggles. With this reality in mind, the House is already set to take votes to repeal ObamaCare, cut the House budget by five percent, and set new House rules to provide more transparency.On the pro-life front, Rep. Mike Pence (R-Indiana) is set to introduce a bill to defund Title X abortion providers. Of the abortion providers funded by Title X, Planned Parenthood receives the most in taxpayer funding. CWA sent a letter thanking Rep. Pence for his initiative and will urge other congressmen to co-sponsor the bill.Overall, the tone in the House of Representatives is a hopeful one. The new Congress has a historic chance to prove itself, as voters will be watching closely to see if the conservatives they sent to D.C. will stay true to their principles and not compromise in the name of political expediency.