Justice Department Investigates Planned Parenthood Over Sale of Fetal Tissue

Washington, D.C. — Last night it was announced that the Department of Justice has launched an official investigation of Planned Parenthood’s practices and sale of fetal tissue.

Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America, issued the following statement:

“It’s about time! Since 1916, when Margaret Sanger opened the first ‘birth control clinic,’ Planned Parenthood has been hurting women, children, and communities.

“It has been common knowledge for some time that the practices of Planned Parenthood are extremely suspect. Video after video have surfaced showing the atrocities taking place behind those doors, including the profitable sale of aborted fetal tissue. Former employees have left the abortion giant and unveiled the truth behind the cheery pink façade.

“The abortion industry is driven by one thing: money. Planned Parenthood has repeatedly shown that they are willing to do anything to help their bottom line, including the illegal profiting from fetal tissue. Last year, the House’s Select Panel on Infant Lives and the Senate Judiciary Committee dug deeper into the allegations against Planned Parenthood and the biomedical fetal tissue industry. Both committees found foul play regarding the profit and sale of baby body parts. During the Obama Administration, the House of Representatives voted to send 15 criminal and regulatory referrals to various agencies, including the Department of Justice, but our government turned a blind eye.

“Not anymore! Our government is no longer breaking its back to shelter the foul play of big abortion, but is doing its job by investigating illegal activity. I, along with all of Concerned Women for America, am hopeful that the truth will come to light in this investigation.”

For an interview with Penny Nance contact Annabelle Rutledge at arutledge@cwfa.org or 916-792-3973.