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Join Us! CWA Launches Summer Speaker Series

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Concerned Women for America (CWA) is hosting a series of virtual events this summer that spotlight one of our seven core issues. We are launching the first of the series this Thursday, June 25, with an emphasis on the core issue of sexual exploitation. The topic will be “Saving Women’s Sports.”

This week marks the 48th Anniversary of Title IX. As a reminder, Title IX is the federal civil rights law that protects women from sex discrimination in educational programs, including sports. CWA is standing for female athletes whose rights are being violated under Title IX when male athletes identifying as girls are taking their place.

We are excited to have as our first guest speaker Beth Stelzer, the founder of  Save Women’s Sports. Beth is an amateur powerlifter, and she will share with us her unique personal story about transgender athlete participation in her sport. Beth stresses that defending women in athletics ought not be a partisan nor religious issue. Beth says, “If we allow males to compete in female sports, there will be men’s sports; there will be co-ed sports, but there will no longer be women’s sports.”  

Here are the details:
Date: Thursday, June 25, 2020
Time: 1:00 – 2:00 EST

  • Registration is free but required for this Zoom event.
  • Click here to register. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

We hope you will join us for this educational and timely event. Be sure to invite your friends and family. Space is limited so be sure to register today!