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Join CWA of Illinois in the Fight Against Legalizing Marijuana

By February 24, 2015Illinois
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SB 735, Cannabis Possession Adults bill, would make Illinois the fifth state to legalize marijuana.

SB 735 was introduced in the State Senate by Michael Noland (D-22) making it the second marijuana bill to be introduced into our legislature. Click here to read SB 753 and check statues.

If passed, the Cannabis-Possession Adults bill would:

  • Legalize the possession by a person 21 years of age or older of cannabis in an amount not to exceed 30 grams.
  • Permit the production and possession by a person 21 years of age or older of not more than 5 cannabis sativa plants.

All though public opinion favors legalizing marijuana, new published findings by the health and mental health professions warn about the increased risks of the once considered “harmless” drug.

Legalization can be expected to increase marijuana consumption by four to six times. It is now the most widely used illicit drug. Statistics from other state that have legalized marijuana show an increase in traffic accidents by marijuana users as well as lethal overdoses of the substance. Marijuana use has clearly been linked to teen psychosis as well as decreases in IQ and permanent brain damage. One of six children who use marijuana will become addicted and are likely to use heroin or other more potent substances.

Marijuana contains 50 – 70 percent more cancer-causing substances than tobacco smoke, and the marijuana of today is not the same drug it was in the 1960s, ’70s, or ’80s, and the levels of the psychoactive ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is often at least five times stronger.

Is this what we want for our children?!

SB 753 has been assigned to the Senate Criminal Law Committee. It is unknown how soon the committee will hear and vote on it so be sure to take action right away.


  • Pray for a public outcry to prohibit the legal production and possession of marijuana for adults.
  • Pray that Satan’s attempts to destroy minds and bodies through recreational marijuana use would be thwarted.
  • Pray for legislators, clergy and laymen, health officials, and law enforcement officials to take a stand against the legal production and possession of marijuana to protect the well-being and safety of Illinois citizens.

Take Action:

  • Contact each member of the Senate Criminal Law Committee and ask them to vote NO on SB 753.
  • Contact your State Senators and urge him/her to vote NO on SB 753. Do not know who your Senators are? No problem, click here and put in your address.
  • Forward this e-mail to your like-minded friends, family, neighbors and associates and urge them to pray and take action.

Note: If you haven’t already please be sure to take action and pray concerning HB 218, the marijuana bill we notified you about yesterday that would decriminalize marijuana in the state. Thank you!

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Edmund Burke