Join CWA in Opposing Biden’s LGBTQ Title IX Rule

The U.S. Department of Education has officially released the Biden Title IX Rule for public comment, and it is even worse than expected. Title IX was supposed to protect women and girls from discrimination on the basis of sex. Not anymore.  


Instead of upholding sex discrimination on the basis of male and female biology, Biden’s Title IX Rule imposes LGBTQ identities as the basis for sex discrimination. Under the fancy title, “Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance,” Biden’s Department of Education proposes to rewrite federal civil rights law turning our schools into laboratories for promoting sex and gender ideology at the expense of women and girls.

Here are some of the major changes to Title IX in the Biden LGBTQ Rule: 


“Gender Identity” is now “Sex”

  • Rejects that “sex” is defined as biologically male or female:  “on the basis of sex includes discrimination on the basis of sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation, and gender identity.” This is a radical rewrite of the basic federal law on sex discrimination that Congress has NEVER authorized.
  • Schools must affirm and accommodate students on the basis of “gender identity” – using preferred names and pronouns and “gender support plans” without parental consent. This “gender identity” mandate extends to all programs and activities, including locker rooms, restrooms, rape crisis centers, housing, athletic programs, and more.
  • Female students lose their rights.  Protecting girls will now be in direct conflict with the “gender identity” mandate giving males self-identifying as girls the right to take their place.  As students and athletes, our daughters deserve to have the law on their side, not against them.


School Personnel can be “Parents”

  • A new definition of “Parental Status” empowers school personnel to act “in loco parentis” (in place of parents). Parental rights could be overruled by Title IX policy barring sex discrimination. Schools could withhold information from parents about their child’s “identity” at school.


Abortion = Pregnancy

  • A new definition of “Pregnancy or Related Conditions” gives abortion the same status as childbearing.  Schools would be required to provide support and services for “termination of pregnancy.” Any activity that promotes choosing life for an unborn child could be banned.

Biden’s Title IX Rule also overrules any state law protecting women and children from the harmful impact of gender ideology and requires all educational institutions to enforce an extreme LGBTQ agenda in our schools against the rights of parents, students, and teachers.


  • Any student or teacher who holds a traditional view of marriage, the scientific meaning of sex, or the value of unborn human life could be charged with sex-based harassment.

Join CWA in opposing Biden’s Title IX Rule. Now is the time to make your voice heard! Tell the U.S. Department of Education you oppose this radical rewrite of rules redefining “sex” and mandating that schools cater to the extreme LGBTQ agenda, causing harm to children and stripping parents of their rights to protect their children from sexual indoctrination.    


Visit CWA’s Title IX Action Center to send your comment directly to the U.S. Department of Education today. 

  1. Provide your views on one or more issues in the Biden Title IX Rule which radically rewrites the meaning and scope of sex discrimination in federal law.    
  2. Challenge the Dept. of Education with questions about the cost, confusion, and impact of overturning protections based on biological sex in federal law.

For more information, see CWA’s A Guide for Commenting on Biden’s Proposed Title IX Rule