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January 28, 2014 Action Alert

By January 28, 2014Washington



Dear Concerned Women for America Member,
Happy New Year from the Washington state office of CWA! As 2014 begins, CWA of Washington is gearing up to stand strong in our mission to protect the family and promote Biblical values. We pray you will stand alongside us and join us across Washington State. We strive to accomplish our mission through prayer, education and action. We need you to be an active part of that mission and find others who are WILLING to stand no matter the cost: “For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls.” (Hebrews 12:3)

CWA’s Encourage-A-Legislator Campaign begins anew each year with the opening of the Washington State Legislative session, and we need you to pray for a legislator! The 2014 session began on Monday, January 13, and lasts for 60 days until March13. This year would be a great time for you to volunteer to pray for a state legislator and send a weekly postcard with encouraging words that CWA of Washington will provide for you. This is a program to lift up all 147 of our senators and representatives to God Almighty in prayer and ask for His guidance for our state. Won’t you be an intercessor in 2014 for just one legislator? Attached is the EAL flyer for you to use for yourself or to give to another who might choose to join this worthwhile campaign.

Sanctity of Life:
House Bill (HB) 2148 AN ACT Relating to preserving health insurance coverage for the voluntary termination of a pregnancy by requiring health plans issued or renewed on or after January 1, 2015, that provide coverage for maternity care or services to provide a covered person with substantially equivalent coverage to permit the voluntary termination of a pregnancy …

CWA opposes this bill. Referred to as the “Reproductive Parity Act” or “Abortion Insurance Mandate”, 2148 mandates that all Washington state insurance policies that cover maternity care also cover abortion. Our oppostion is based on the fact that 2148 is an unnecessary attack on religious liberty and disallows any choice for prolifers to withhold their insurance dollars from supporting abortion procedures.

Currently, the bill has passed out of the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness to the Rules Committee for a second reading. It may then head to the House floor for a vote.

Take Action: Contact your two House Representatives to express your opinion and your reasons for that opinion.

HB 2133 AN ACT Relating to maintaining privacy of student educational records; adding a new section to chapter 28A.655 RCW; and creating a new section.

CWA supports this bill. It seeks to maintain privacy of student educational records and to establish a Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee to determine to what extent federal regulations permit sharing of personally identifiable student data. This is an education issue as well as a matter of family rights to protect the private data of their children. This bill is scheduled for executive session in the House Committee on Education on 1/29. If your representative is on that committee, please express your opinion on this bill. Committee members: Santos, Stonier, Dahlquist, Magendanz, Bergquist, Fey, Haigh, Hargrove, Hawkins, Hayes, Hunt, Klippert, Lytton, Muri, Orwall, Parker, Pollet, Seaquist, Warnick.

Details on the progress of these bills can be found at the following website:


CONTACT YOUR DISTRICT LEGISLATORS (one senator and two representatives) about the bills listed under EDUCATION: Find your district and legislators here: Our elected officials can only represent us if they know what we are thinking. Please take action and contact them. You may call the toll-free Legislative Hotline to leave a message for one or all three of your legislators in Olympia: 1-800-562-6000.

The 41st annual MARCH FOR LIFE brought thousands of citizens to Olympia last Tuesday, January 21, and hundreds of thousands to Washington, D. C., the next day to march for life. Every year we pro-lifers gather to advocate for the most vulnerable in our society. It is with great hope that we fight for the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all. Pray that as our numbers grow, so will our influence on state and federal legislators to change laws to reflect the views of “we the people”.

“Faith by itself, if not accompanied by action, is dead”. James 2:17

“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season
we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Galatians 6:9

In His Service,

Maureen Richardson
State Director

CWA of Washington
P. O. Box 143
Woodinville, WA 98072


Membership Form
Encourage-A-Legislator Campaign form