Is Common Core / Iowa Core Concerning?

By March 4, 2014Iowa

Revised 3/6/14: Review a handful of credible articles, speeches, brochures and more. Don’t delay; you need to know the dangers of Common Core / Iowa Core before it’s too late.

Stop Common Core Brochure (Feel free to print or order them from the state office by e-mailing

View the MOU and SBAC to see for yourself how Iowa is losing it’s sovereignty through Common Core / Iowa Core.
The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is a contractual agreement signed by Gov. Culver and reaffirmed by Gov. Branstand, placing Iowa under the authority of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC). The first page with Gov. Brandstad’s letter admits the Common Core is now known as the Iowa Core. The bottom section of page 3 says Iowa will agree to the decisions of the Consortium and will change State law, barriers, statutes, and regulations to implementing the assessment system and its components meaning any laws protecting student privacy or data will be voided. Pages 12 and 13 clarify that Iowa is under the authority of the SBAC by requiring Iowa to submit a request to withdrawal with a written notice as to reasons why. If Iowa were equal partners, it could simply break a contract. While it seems the SBAC would release a state wishing to exit, it is unclear why the process is so daunting with confusion as to who has authority to request the exit. Special thanks to Iowans for Local Control for providing these documents.

Timeline and History of Common Core / Iowa Core
Prepared by State Rep. Sandy Salmon (R-District 63)

Branstad Signs Executive Order 83 to Ensure Local Control in the Development of Iowa Core Standards and Assessments.

Common Core: The Biggest Election Issue Washington Prefers to Ignore
Informative article by

Examining the Alignment of the Iowa Core to the Common Core: English Language Arts and Mathematics.
Iowa Core is Common Core. Iowa Department of Education Website reveals 84-93% similarity.

Jan Robbins of the American Principles Project Testifies Two Times Before the Iowa House Subcommittee Concerning Common Core / Iowa Core

Concerned Women for America of Iowa LAC Iowa Core/Common Core Informational Forum
Watch a verity of outstanding speakers.

Cascading Momentum for the Stop Common Core Movement
Note what it going on in other states concerning Common Core. Provided by American Principles Project.